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Recent content by romain

  1. Happy Birthday Deanos!!!!!!!!!

    :birthday: :shhh: :flower::flower::flower:
  2. Happy Birthday Deanos!

    :birthday: :shhh: :flower::flower::flower:
  3. Happy Birthday Deanos!!

    :birthday: :shhh: :flower::flower::flower:
  4. Happy Birthday Dean

    :birthday: :shhh: :flower::flower::flower:
  5. RIP Ted Kennedy

    "I think about my brothers every day," Kennedy told Reuters. "They set high standards. Sometimes you measure up, sometimes you don't." RIP the last of the Kennedy brothers...
  6. Hello All

    Another nocturnal? :tongue1: Welcome!
  7. Oscar diet

    I have a friend who keeps feeding his oscars with mixed puppy biscuits...:shhh: and the oscars, I should say, are gorgeously colorful...
  8. Tank Thread Tank reached 38 years old...in 2009!

    What can I say? Fantastic WOW...
  9. Oh Yeah! Hawaii!

    Congrats Kris. Have fun there. More pics please...:)
  10. Crabbing traps

    Thank you guys. I ended up with ordering online here: http://outdoor-living.hardwarestore.com/56-323-camping-supplies/crab-net-116727.aspx $3.79 each...
  11. Crabbing traps

    Could someone inform me of where to get crabbing traps/nets in the city? I'm planning to crab somewhere in long island this weekend. TIA Something like this:
  12. Frozen Food For Sale

    Sold to BL007. Thank you folks.
  13. Frozen Food For Sale

    Frozen Mysis Relicta: about half of the 2.5 kilo block Frozen Cyclopeez: 3/5 of the 3 oz bar Frozen Formula Two: missing one cube Selcon Concentrate: half bottle left Sea Veggies Asking $25 for all, obo. I'll throw in a 16oz NITROMAX Marine for free with the purchase if you want...
  14. 24G Nanocube Deluxe - 2 to go

    2nd in line.
  15. Leaving New York - Tank Breakdown

    11. Coralife UV Sterilizer - needs new bulb. $20 How many watts? Thanks
