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Recent content by reefaquariumsecrets

  1. reef safe fish ideas please

    Well since we know what you cannot have, what about current residents in the tank as compatibility is an issue as well. I am probly the wrong guy to answer this as I have a pretty eclectic assortment of fish in my tanks many not considered reef fish. I am fond of wrasses, groupers, and eels as...
  2. my success with fish

    Well Brad keep the faith there are still a bunch of good people out there to help. I too get annoyed sometimes when we are so consumed at bickering between oursleves that it clouds things for the very people we are trying to help!!!!! You and every other hobbyist is just as important to this...
  3. Feeding Your Reef Question

    Hey will do! As for the vitamin thing I have never found the need to add vitamin suppliments to my systems. Usually if you are using a good quality food and have a healthy system many of these nutrients are naturally available In my tank downstairs I have a purple tang, a sailfin tang, a hippo...
  4. Will most Clams thrive the best under 250w or 400w mh lighti

    [ December 01, 2001: Message edited by: reefaquariumsecrets ]</p>
  5. Feeding Your Reef Question

    What to eat lets see???????????? I agree, I pretty much feed my fish and let the scraps and wastes from the fish go to the inverts. Also many corals will feed on water born organisms present in healthy systems such as bacteria and other microbes. I also like to stir up my sand bed from time to...
  6. who is this guy anyway??

    Sorry about that I have a tendency to ramble on I know it is terrible. All these years in the business and a discussion on tanks still gets me going for hours!!!!!!!!!!
  7. who is this guy anyway??

    <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by reefaquariumsecrets: <strong>By the way I do not use coral vital. When I do use it I use Reef Vital DNA and could not tell you if it helps with ick because my aquariums never had a problem with...
  8. Should i quit or would you make a diffrent decision

    I definately agree. Years back I used to run a large salt water specialty store and when I took over turned the numbers around from serious loss in profits from salt water fish deaths which the bosses loved simply by getting my deads way down. Once they saw the profit they not only agreed to...
  9. who is this guy anyway??

    Hey thanx lol! I don't take it personal I love a good argument every now and again. <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rover: <strong>As for making stuff yourself I would not recommend this to the average hobbyist because no...
  10. Not My Fault Mentality

    You want to talk about needless death how about all the corals the airlines kill before they even make it to the pet shop???????
  11. Not My Fault Mentality

    You want to talk about needless death how about all the corals the airlines kill before they even make it to the pet shop???????
  12. Please tell me what happened to my Bubble Coral

    I have seen this behavior in bubbles alot and agree they are really picky about current. They can also be irritated by traffic from fish even if the current seems fine. Try to find a nice place away from heavy fish traffic and not in the line of alot of current and leave it there. And yes many...
  13. who is this guy anyway??

    By the way if anyone ever stops by my site you will see very little about Marc's or any one elses products just a few hobbyist having a good time and helping each other out. I think this is a cool site and have enjoyed all the replies. Thanx Tullio Dell Aquila
  14. who is this guy anyway??

    By the way I do not use coral vital. When I do use it I use Reef Vital DNA and could not tell you if it helps with ick because my aquariums never had a problem with ick or any other diseases. As for making stuff yourself I would not recommend this to the average hobbyist because no one is quite...
  15. who is this guy anyway??

    Thank you very much I will do that. My name as one person already figured is Tullio Dell Aquila. <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jamesw: <strong>Hi Guys, I'm not sure whether you are Tullio or Bob Goemans, but that doesn't...
