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I am thinking of adding a few fish to my 90 gallon reef.

This is what I have ruled out, No tangs, No pod eaters.

what do ya think?

any suggestions appreciated

I did my normal search and on other posts I could not find many st8 answers before the usual cat fight broke out


No pod eaters rules out just about everyone LOL

My overall favorite is probably Cirrhilabrus sp wrasses. They will eat zooplankton but IMO are excellent reef fish.

Of course your Mk1 Mod 0 Coral Beauty angel is also a good choice
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Well since we know what you cannot have, what about current residents in the tank as compatibility is an issue as well. I am probly the wrong guy to answer this as I have a pretty eclectic assortment of fish in my tanks many not considered reef fish. I am fond of wrasses, groupers, and eels as well. But not because of anyone else just very fascinating guys to watch when they feel comfortable in a tank. And if you keep things bolted down pretty good the right ones do not bother the corals.


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Here is what is in the tank

Pygmy Cherub Angel
Manderian goby
120 lbs of live rock
6 inch DSB
30 hermit crabs
? snails

18 inch Elegant coral
10 inch open brain
22 inch bubble coral
8 inch frogspawn
6 inch candycane coral
large colony of hairy brown mushrooms
large colony of green star polyps
large colony of yellow polyps
small colony of GSP and yellow polyps
large metalic hairy mushroom
medium metalic hairy mushroom
2 large featherdusters
one small colony of orange polyps


Advanced Reefer
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No tangs and no pod eaters.......Hmm.....

How about going a entirely different route: predators? eg. Groupers, Marine Bettas, Lion Fish, Flounders, Trigger (may not be reef safe), Moray Eels (if you have sturdy rockworks), & bat fish.


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Hi there... i've got two suggestions:
chromis (green are pretty and awesome!)

both of the above are relatively cheap and hardy..

clowns are about $10 and up
chromise are about $3 - 5



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Royal Grama & Potters angel. I also like the 6-line wrasse (but may pick at pods on rock and glass) 6-line very active fish with lots of fishonalty. [can't be personalty since fish are not human]

Remember, man who go through airport turnstile sideways is going to Bangcock


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Red Headed Gobies

Get three of them. They're the type of fish you don't see right away, but when you do they are really cool. I can't find a pic right now.


New Reefer
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I have a Pomocanthus maculosus (Juv Map Angel), Tank raised in my reef. I have had him for 3 month w/ clams and various LPS, SPS.He is getting his adult coloration now, cool fish. I would also suggest a Red Sea Fridmani Pseudochromis. I might note, that I have a healthy colony of pods on my tank.


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angels rep. on picking on corals etc is individual. I have a flame that doesn't touch any featherdusters, tunicates, or anything but the hair algae . I have heard of flame's that don't touch anything, then I've heard of some that are attacking everything. I believe pomacanthus is the worst for pickin' on reefs. Sixlines, I love 'em, especially since my sixline eats flatworms
. Helps control this population, as I plan to put mushrooms in the tank.

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