I want everyone to kow the the Borneman surge device is great. Why wouldnt it be flawless. Of course you will have a reliable flush, toliet valves have already been enginered. Only recomendation is to have large 2 in. pipe from the device. :)
Im setting up my new tank
50 gallon breeder
30 or 40 gallon sump
800 gallon per hour recirculating loop
Borneman surge device
600 gallon per hour return pump
maybe aqua C ev 150
rock and sand sump
400 watt 6500k Iwaski Halide
2 55W Actinic PC's on Tank
2 55W PC's on sump
Im going to keep...
With recent Michigan power outage. I decided to tear down my aquarium which was a 90 gallon reef tank. Some of my corals started to die so i took it down and traded all my live stock into the LFS. Of course i lost money on it. I traded in alot of nice acro's and other small polyps. So i...
2 years i have been doing it. With what i feel is like 4 years worth of experience. I think i will have a reef tank every time i am settled somewhere for the rest of my life.
No i dont have a problem with getting calcium up. I was just curious if it was possible to do. Thanks chemist for the way it works and a little more detailed aproach.
One question though does magnessium play as big as a role as some people say when it comes to calcium? When i first set up...
Is there any way to make kalkwasser Popeye strength other then vinager. I was wondering if there any calcium supplements such as Calcium Chloride you can add to your kalkwasser. I am guessing this wont work though because of calcium percipitating when it touches the Alkalinity ion in solution...
By what i learn i am a real risk taker then. Well if anyone damages my property or hurts me or my family in anyway. You better run get away fast because i bet i run faster. But honestly i dont mind putting where i live but i do care about having a real name. I like being up front with...
I knew a topic sentence like tha would get people in. But on to teh question. What techniques do people use to increase the population of their sand bed. I have heard of add sand from other tanks ecd. How do you keep it as populated as possible. I have heard rumors of people feeding more...
It isnt worth using it. I set up my tank about a year and a half ago and used pool filter sand and aragonite sand. Mainly i did this because i was low on cash and wanted to set my tank up with a deep sand bed. I wish i now just saved my money and got all calcium based sand. I dont like the...
I usually put them on to hand size pieces of rock. I just take the frag i want dry off the bottom with a towel and dry of the spot im putting the frag on the rock. It also helps for the rock to be a little holey so the epoxy has something to grab onto. I get teh stuff at Home Depot for like 3...
I have seen them but you need a large pump to get enough current out of them. I just think they take up to much water flow i say just go with a sea swirl they are a little more expensive but you dotn lose as much head pressure.