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seamaiden":2gvhlmq5 said:
simply having a person's first name isn't going to alleviate that issue, is it? what you really want is their full name AND location, and now you've stepped all over my privacy.

Using a real first name and an initial is okay if someone is uncomfortable using their entire name.

I agree about the location. It's unimportant for the purposes of these forums and adds to privacy concerns.

Greg Schiemer


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I would gladly use my first name and initial, but when I first registered to RDO, I was such an internet newbie that I was scared to death of all the media report about people stalking others of the internet. I had seen on news reports and such that you should never use your real name because someone can find you and kill you.

Now I don't really think that using my first name would cause problems like that, but I was afraid of all the hype at the time, and used a psedonym.

The solution for me is just signing my name at the end of a post.


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O P Ing":2tke8m73 said:
...because this is a general forum, not a place devoted to research. Everything is pretty much taken with a grain of salt..

And that's the problem. Since no one knows where the advice is coming from you're forced to take it all with a grain of salt.

Greg Schiemer


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GSchiemer":39rjuop2 said:

I agree about the location. It's unimportant for the purposes of these forums and adds to privacy concerns.

Greg Schiemer

Actually, I find that the location is very useful, especially for someone who lives where there is not a very dense population.

If I see someone from my area who is posting looking for a cup of sand, some caulerpa, or who needs help with their reef, I will drop them an email and see if they want to be added to the club email list or meet some where and do some trading. I have ONLY recieved positive resposes to this.


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GSchiemer":jeyxry5f said:
O P Ing":jeyxry5f said:
...because this is a general forum, not a place devoted to research. Everything is pretty much taken with a grain of salt..

And that's the problem. Since no one knows where the advice is coming from you're forced to take it all with a grain of salt.

Greg Schiemer

So what you are saying is, if I told you my name is Dave Wahlberg, you would know whether or not to take what I say with a grain of salt? I don't believe this would be the case. Granted, "madrefkepr" may not sound too credible :D . But all I have ever posted is what I have seen or experienced. I will be the first to admit I don't know hardly anything about reef tanks. I set mine up 5 months ago, and it was doing so poorly I basically started over. But this experience has taught me many things, and I am always more than willing to share what I have learned. But the only way to know one way or another is to read my posts.


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If some crook wants to try and steal money from "Matt Wandell"s bank account, who lives in "Davis, Ca" go for it! Good luck trying to find anything in there! BTW biogeek is a good example of a silly screen name with good scientific creds.

Signed, wombat the drunken fatty mack daddy marsupial


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I agree that location is very useful for helping people out in the area.
It's also a good idea of demographics(sp).
But I like the use of screen names. It's kinda fun.

Does anyone thing celebrities use their real names?

I'm not saying that we are celebrities, but you never know who is out there.


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By what i learn i am a real risk taker then. Well if anyone damages my property or hurts me or my family in anyway. You better run get away fast because i bet i run faster. But honestly i dont mind putting where i live but i do care about having a real name. I like being up front with people. But the one thing i like about screen names is that you can act a little diffrently towards other people without danger to yourself. If anything i think our "extreme" views sometimes make this forum alot more fun and gets us out of your work day restriction of tounge. It alows us to relax a little and sometimes it allows you just to smile and say,"I justed yelled at them with words and it doesnt matter".:) That is the only reason i want my screen name back.

But for some reason my profile wont allow me to change my name no matter what i do. :( Chucker i could use your help on this.

G Schiemer dast ist Deustch?


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Are we talkin just cuurent life "real names". If not I have a whole freakin list that goes way back! :!: :!:


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Use my real name?

Heck, I don't even use my real name when I "register" to use a site (except here). Yahoo knows me as john doe. Some know me as james bond, and even some "cheap tickets" place knows me as a$$. It's kinda funny when it says:
Hello A$$.
If you are not A$$, click here.

Just wanted to reply before this one gets out of hand and gets locked.


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aquarist=broke":3j1h37vq said:
Use my real name?

Heck, I don't even use my real name when I "register" to use a site (except here). Yahoo knows me as john doe. Some know me as james bond, and even some "cheap tickets" place knows me as a$$. It's kinda funny when it says:
Hello A$$.
If you are not A$$, click here.

Just wanted to reply before this one gets out of hand and gets locked.

You are such a Moron..I mean you put your pic on every post! We all know you are Butthead....Chirst Almighty! You are such a freakin idiot!


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I use a screen name that shows the profession that i am proud to be a part of. I truly enjoy my job and my reef.

hope to see you on the good side of the street.

LA-Lawman / Ben Herrera


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Who's to say who's who, anyway? 8)

Emily - what's up with linking to the Sump - I thought you were done with that...?


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Excuse me.... :P

I just got a call from THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA..........

And he wants to talk to me about ADDICTION...


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Anemone said:

Oh yeah, Louey, it's "Evel Knievel."

Sorry bout that. To much liquid today. Can't even spell my own damn name. Geese!

It's time to drink some breakfast! :D

Evel Knievel
Daredevil Reefer in a wheelchair. WHOHOO!!!! I always do the opposite of what the concensus says!


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I find this post interesting. i also believe the use of real names will probably not help anything or anyone. ex. rex banner would find me :wink: but on a more serious note, it wolud be cool to find out which of these people who have been giving me wonderful advice are well known researchers and pioneers in the hobby, - wow to think my tank has had direct impacts from some of them, pretty cool - and which of them are regular joe hobby guys. all in all it doesnt really matter to me though. good advice is good advice. and you can smell BS from a mile away.
Happy Reefin' All


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Hi Greg,
I use to believe only real names should be used also, however, over the years I have come to believe otherwise. As mentioned "biogeek" is a good reference as is Jim {megadeath}, both excellent reef keepers and even Julian uses an alias when he posts.

Sometimes it does go to far, as seen by some of the names and avatars. I just dont bother with them myself.

On a side note, I have read most of your writings, back to when you asked Julian in Reef Notes, what you should do about all the growth from your soft corals. :) I thank you for all your contribution to the hobby, but dis-agree, only partially, with your views on tangs. But thats my opinion however and I have given up on the internet argument over them. And no, your tangs are not older than me. :)


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True adivce should be taken with a grain of salt , Whats wrong with that? I mean we are maintaining salt water tanks right? But on the serious note, real names or not, If you read the post, do your research and use common sense you can tell who is legit and who is really helpful. I have seen people argue on post and based on how they defend their point of view is a good indicator of how sincere they are. The best test is always putting words to actions there are several here that have given me advice on products and methods and porblem solving most of it indirectly but i can say it workd for me. Now thats what counts, i dont care if Neptune himself gives me adive if it doesn't work it is no good to me. Go with what works the indentiy of the source matters not. Just do your homework, Go slow, adjust, adapt and overcome.
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