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Recent content by Dive STX

  1. Dive STX

    Hi Allan Errol . In Ossining . From Russ and Jim . How are you . Looking for frags if you happen...

    Hi Allan Errol . In Ossining . From Russ and Jim . How are you . Looking for frags if you happen to have .
  2. A request for prayers

    Kathy stay strong my prayers are there for you Errol
  3. Two set ups for sale

    28 still pending ?
  4. tank crashed

  5. Wild Pacific on DiscoveryHD

    thank you.
  6. Some pics of my tank

    Very nice keep the good work up.
  7. Strictly LED Shots . . . . . .

    led led pic.
  8. Happy Birthday Russ (Masterswimmer)

    Happy Birthday Russ....:birthday: and many more to come:hb2: .
  9. Is this a worm or seahare?

    chiton The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition | 2008 | chiton , common name for rock-clinging marine mollusks of the class Polyplacophora. Chitons are abundant on rocky coasts throughout most of the world, from the intertidal zone to a depth of about 1,200 ft (400 m). They range in length...
  10. Is this a worm or seahare?

    I got one in my tank and will like to find out what it is.I do not see it from time to time.
  11. Please id ,,,,lol

    THE seagull got even.It left you a load.It look like the fly by I had on the :scratchchwindshield of my car.
  12. WTB Mag Drive 18

    I Have a Mag 12b if need.
  13. Introducing Myself

    Welcome to MR, Florence!
  14. Vacation Lighting

    I recently came back from Vacation total of 14 days and did not light my Ce 250w but I did use the actinic and plug the MH out fill the auto top of and ask a friend to keep an eye on he top off water level and also I did not do any feeding of the tank.I left 10g of made up water just Incas.I...
  15. Congratulations pNoyReefR

    Congrats on the new addition to the family as will as the new diaper Change needed :sleepy:.best of health to you and family.
