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Recent content by clwnphish

  1. 125gal SPS/clam tank lighting

    On my 125 I run 2x400 20k XM's and my sps love it. I have run iwasakis in the past, but after these 20k's ill never go back. The color is amazing and growth hasnt slowed a bit.
  2. Which of these 2 butterflys for my 46g?

    I wouldnt suggest either for a 46, unless you buy them when they are small and upgrade as they grow. I would consider the tang rule for them- min. of 75. They dont cruise around as much as tangs but they are more delicate. I believe the auriga get s about 7-8 max but in aquarium im estimating...
  3. Which of these 2 butterflys for my 46g?

    both are hardy but the auriga will get much larger.
  4. Osamas Tank

    I believe its a 180 but dont take my word on it. I think he plans on upgrading too.........
  5. Teardrop Maxima Autopsy reveals....

    Very interesting. What do you plan on doing with the shrimps, add them to another clam? or do they only live with teardrops?
  6. Acropora millepora question

    hows the flow? my milles will only fully extend if they have some nice currents swaying their polyps.
  7. Yellow Tang showing red blotches

    My tang had this once back in my FO days. Do they look like small red veins? I can not remember the disease name, but do remember I used maracyn 2 to treat it.
  8. DIY skimmer for a 29 gal tank

    Check the for sale or trading forums here. You could build a simple DIY venturi its just a tube with a collection cup.... im not sure but i think Aqua medic sells the replacment needlewheels for there pumps, or maybe euro reef, you could buy on of those and put it on a rio and make a good...
  9. Catching true perk larvae

    I have borrowed that book from a friend and read it, but first I need to get my clowns to spawn! Sounds like a rewarding project, I will have to give it a shot sometime. Clwn
  10. DIY skimmer for a 29 gal tank

    I would say beckets are the best, then downdrafts and needlewheels. I would make a venturi, they are probably the easiest without making them huge. I would just look for used skimmers my self, like a bac pac or remora.
  11. bleaching zooanthids

    I do what BB said and also run some carbon just incase you colt is unleashing some chemical warfare with your zoanthids, From what you said i doubt it is,but just in case I would.
  12. Catching true perk larvae

    I hope my clowns spawn soon. How much time and $ did it take to set up your greenwater/rotifer set up?
  13. Hang-On Refugium

    I would make one myself, would be a fun diy project Clwn
  14. Acropora Eating Flatworms

    Doesnt sound good, I have never had of these, but you may want to give a sixline a try... Just an idea Clwn
  15. 2 clowns. Can I have an anenome?

    neither with that kind of lighting
