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I have seen instructions all over for DIY skimmers. Seems that they are all monsterously huge. I have a 29 gal tank that i want to use it on. Can someone please direct me to instructions on building a skimmer for this size tank that is close to the size that can be store bought?
also as far as the different types of skimmers. which are the best? venturi? counter current? downdraft?
thanks in advance!!!


Advanced Reefer
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Why don't you just get a lee's counter current protein skimmer or a berlin airlift and keep them for a couple weeks. While you have them try to copy them as much as you can and make one out of pvc or something. Just take the skimmers back later.


Advanced Reefer
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I would say beckets are the best, then downdrafts and needlewheels. I would make a venturi, they are probably the easiest without making them huge. I would just look for used skimmers my self, like a bac pac or remora.


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Check the for sale or trading forums here. You could build a simple DIY venturi its just a tube with a collection cup.... im not sure but i think Aqua medic sells the replacment needlewheels for there pumps, or maybe euro reef, you could buy on of those and put it on a rio and make a good skimmer.


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Excuse my ignorance but when you say to buy a needlewheel and put it on a rio, what exactly do you mean?
I am new at this whole game.

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