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Recent content by CiXeL

  1. SPS and Softies?

    ROFL i find the topic hilarious after reading this article ... myths.html "One surprising finding was that small penis syndrome (SPS), also known as the “locker room syndrome,” " brings new meaning to the term SPS fanatic or how about those guys with...
  2. Coral Species Put on 'Threatened' List

    pure admiration and lots of internet research. one reason i moved out here from LA was to help but its never really gone anywhere and not for lack of trying. i just dont know the right people i guess.
  3. Skimming/Carbon/ what order?

    anyone know where to purchase bags and a container of raw carbon to put in a fluval? ive been looking at bags but they all seem to huge or dont have pullstrings, etc. what do other people use?
  4. a vegetable that looks like acropora
  5. looking for a lighting system for my tank

    has anyone tried the 48" sunpod?
  6. looking for a lighting system for my tank

    right now its a homemade setup ghetto as hell. homemade wooden canopy and wired up the dual 175w metal halide lighting myself. got too hot inside so i keep the lid open with kitchen hand towels shading the lights from making the room too bright held in place by stones placed on the canopy (im...
  7. South Florida man charged with illegally harvesting coral

    actually there is porites there and also here in florida but you wouldnt want to collect it even if it were legal because it requires such perfect water conditions, its extremely slow growing and requires tons of light. im still betting that pocillopora damicornis is going to get in through the...
  8. South Florida man charged with illegally harvesting coral

    theres some encrusting montis there. a blue one you see all over the rocks and a brown one. funny, hawaii has the montis and south florida has the acros but neither have the other. of course tubastrea is everywhere. it was introduced into the caribbean via ships travelling through the panama...
  9. South Florida man charged with illegally harvesting coral

    (CBS4) VIRGINIA KEY The South Florida man arrested and charged with illegally harvesting coral has bonded out of jail. Alaine Salermo was arrested Thursday after Florida Fish and Wildlife officials found 300 pounds of live coral on his small boat near Crandon Marina on Virginia Key. His boat...
  10. What motivates you?

    same reason im into growing plants. watching pretty colorful things grow. this is just underwater gardening.
  11. showering with a powerhead
  12. new fluval 305

    algal problems. i always seem to have them. i think alot of it is due to the quality of the frozen food i can get down here in miami. i experimented with a fluval way back when i was first getting into the hobby but i didnt like how the sponge growth died off back then =P and thought it was...
  13. new fluval 305

    Anyone tried the new fluval 305? how does it compare to the old ones? I'm considering getting one.
  14. fluvals and b-ionic

    does anyone know if the active carbon in a fluval canister filter will remove the calcium or alkaline of the b-ionic im dosing with once a day?
  15. Seio M1100 Pump

    has anyone tried it? i was looking at it as a replacement for my 2 maxijet pumps but it seems everyone has written reviews for the 820 but noone has for the 1100. is there a reason for that?
