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Anyone tried the new fluval 305? how does it compare to the old ones?
I'm considering getting one.


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Hey Cix,

Aside from convenience features, I haven't found much advancement in canister filters. I haven't used a canister filters in years though, so maybe I've missed some big steps in recent times :P Why are you using a canister filter on a reef? Not to say it's bad, but I find it unnecessary.


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algal problems. i always seem to have them. i think alot of it is due to the quality of the frozen food i can get down here in miami. i experimented with a fluval way back when i was first getting into the hobby but i didnt like how the sponge growth died off back then =P and thought it was keeping the water TOO clean. now i have ridiculous sponge growth much of which im sure i got from real ocean water changes. combined with high nutrient levels. plus i see the bonus of additional flow since im not using a sump YET.

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