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Len":cvk67fwt said:
I really don't know :P


Because as much as I miss growing corals, I can't pin down why I miss it so much. It keeps me from doing anything rash, like setting up a tank in my office...


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I really don't know either. I know when I am with out I miss it.


Advanced Reefer
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Something to watch on comercials for starters. Its a "pet" that works with your schedule. No litter box. When was the last time you looked at your cat and said "look at that nice color and growth". Something to tinker with in the winter. I could go on and on.


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I really enjoy the awe people express when they see my tank.
That's not the sole reason of course, but someone was just at my house giggling over my midas blenny as he followed her finger on the glass so it is fresh on my mind.


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somthing nice to look at and zone out for a while after a bad day at work. i also feel acomplishment when i get somthing to flourish insted of survive.. want to propigate and trade around but havent made it that far yet


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Apart from the beauty, I like the fact it drives me to learn stuff.


Advanced Reefer
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Something to do is a big part of it... which sounds dumb as I don't have time for so many things :) but I love just tinkering with the tank.

I look at it every day. Actually I stare at it and look at each coral and fish every day.

I really love the learning; reading and hanging out on these boards all day ...when I'm not working naturally :oops:

Kids love it.

When I'm having sleeping issues I sleep on the couch and the noise is very sleep inducing... unless the Durso, is going through one of it's periodic 'problem periods' when it won't stay adjusted right.

Great local community. I like buying/selling frags from locals; I've met some great folks here in the Bay Area since I got into this.

It AINT EASY. I like the challenge.

I love diving and I appreciate it more since I started reefing.

Sure there's more as it consumes so much of my life....



Experienced Reefer
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To keep - the huge amount of money, already lost ("invested" in the hobby). :twisted:
To add - possibility to see something new, what is out of your life. :roll:


Advanced Reefer
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I have no idea, to be honest. I've reached that point of contentment, where I feel like stepping away for a couple of years. We'll see


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Unarce":277r1wa2 said:
I have no idea, to be honest. I've reached that point of contentment, where I feel like stepping away for a couple of years. We'll see

But think what your tank will look like in a few years time. If there's a way to let the growth etc "take you by surprise" over the next year or so, it'll give you the same delight when you "notice" again.


Advanced Reefer
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The creation of an ecosystem in my living room. Watching the lives of animals you rarely(if ever) get to see in everyday life.


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I just love the beauty of marine life right in my living room.

I'd definately miss it if I didn't have my tank.



Advanced Reefer
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same reason im into growing plants. watching pretty colorful things grow. this is just underwater gardening.


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Its the Beauty of the Fish and its like being in a whole another World,its very relaxing after work just to sit down and watch my Fish. :P :P :P :P :P :P

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