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Recent content by bhb1034

  1. which mh bulbs for looks only factor?

    ive gotten a good deal on metal halide set up and i plan to put it on my 220g fowlr. it will be three 175w bulbs and im not sure which bulbs to get, 10k, 14k, or 20k. i know all companies are different, but these will be south pacific sunlight. my tank isnt going to have any corals so...
  2. anyone here ever use mined base rock?

    i just bought some limerock from middle florida for really cheap. from what i understand its pretty close to the same as the rock used by tbs and gulfview liverock. it is heavy, as expected. but it looks great and ive got some soaking now and it doesnt seem to change the water chemisty. i have a...
  3. tunze stream owners? i need a recommendation please

    well because i feel like a 3000gph model will be too much flow and money for a fish only. does anyone know if the 6080 will cover the entire length of 6ft tank?
  4. tunze stream owners? i need a recommendation please

    i have a 220g (6ft long) fish only with 220lbs of live rock and i need to up my flow alot. ill only have about 1000gph coming from my external in sump pump, so i want to add a tunze stream pump but not really sure which one i need. i basically want to have alot of good, consistent flow...
  5. does higher flow around a skimmer effect its performance?

    thanks guys all good ideas. see another thing i didnt mention is i have a wet/dry sump, so i plan on selling all of the equipment that goes with it. would anybody have any idea what would be the ideal rate of flow to go through my sump for my skimmer? im asking for close to exact because i have...
  6. does higher flow around a skimmer effect its performance?

    wow thanks for the great replies. so increased water flow through the sump could in no way hurt skimmer performance. makes sense, but you know how it is, previous bad advice confused me. but heres my situation, i have a 220g fowlr. i know that fish-only's dont need near as much flow as you...
  7. does higher flow around a skimmer effect its performance?

    hey there, i have a 220g and need to up my circulation. right now all i have is about 800 gph going to my sump where my euroreef 12-1 skimmer is, if i up the flow to my sump and skimmer will it hurt its performance? i was thinking of going up to about 2500gph total circulation and all of that...
  8. why is additives so confusing?

    thanks for all the info. so i should be fine with just those supplements? just some dkh and water changes. do you think the ph will stay high enough without kalkwasser? and by the way i have a euroreef cs12-1, which should be enough. and i dont have a deep sand bed, just like 2 inches. i might...
  9. why is additives so confusing?

    would water changes only still keep my tank healthy? i plan on having some pretty expensive fish. what would be the ideal parameters for a fish only?
  10. why is additives so confusing?

    yes its a fish only with live rock. do you really think water changes will be enough? the buffer will just add alk but not really raise the ph right? ive always had a high alk with a lower ph 7.9-8.0. and thought that kalkwasser would raise the ph.
  11. why is additives so confusing?

    well im starting over. i have a 220 g fish only with 220 lbs of live rock. i realize this is a reef forum, but im thinking people here know there stuff about supplements. anyway i started the tank 7 months ago and started slowly adding fish and after a couple months i had ich and had to start...
  12. who is smarter than me?

    i have 220 fowlr and im trying to connect three sumps. three because i couldnt fit one large under my stand. my question is what size bulkheads do i need to use? i bought 4 two inch ones but cant find a drill bit for a hole that big. the diameter of the entire bulkhead is closer to three, as...
  13. what in the...?

    thanks just wanted to make sure im not going to kill anything.
  14. what in the...?

    last night i mixed some water for todays water change and now there is a white chalky film in the container. i used instant ocean and relatively hot water, and a small powerhead. is this water safe to use? if i take out the powerhead the chalky stuff just lies on the bottom of the mixing...
