I'll be attending this swap and delivery is the magic word :wink1: I have several pieces some I haven't photographed yet but will do so and be posting up new pieces as I do so. So reefers stay tuned
- CC DarthMaul 6eye sold
- JFox MyMiami 4eye sold
- JFox MyMiami 3eye 160
- JFox MyMiami1eye sold
- Ktar Black Hornet sold
- Rastas 10pp
- jFox Banana Banshee 2eye 90 3frags available 2sold 1 available
- 7eye Tyree Pandora Favia 90
- 5eye Tyree Pandora Favia 75
- Orange/Green Acan Maxima 40single eye 70 double eye single sold
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