I'd appreciate it if someone can create a basic set of rules and guides for tolerance. We can add it to the first sticky thread here.
Hmmm....well to start, a sticky thread would be useful explaining some stuff.
For example, some things I've seen include "well why are you being so exclusive and forming your own club", or "why do you even need your own space". A "Why we have this subforum" explanation sticky could be quite useful. I've not been on this forum long enough to know if it's even necessary, but it's really tiring having to repeat myself on other forums.
Aside from that, a general "no anti-isms [sexism, racism, shouldn't be allowed, feminism is something I'd like to see allowed] or -phobias [homophobia, transphobia, shouldn't be allowed ]" rule could be nice.
Keeping the rules flexible should probably be necessitated. A lot of stuff is probably going to be overhauled sooner or later, and keeping the rules flexible (adding, changing, and removing as necessary) will allow for flexibility.
I would ideally like to see reefs.com stay as predominantly reefs oriented, but maintain that this be a place for LGBTQ+ individuals to recognize that, yes, in fact, there are queer reefers. I honestly would have been just as happy with a thread.
I'm not really sure how to navigate the "well intentioned but uninformed" users vs. the "I know exactly what buttons I'm pressing" users when questions that can definitely be read as offensive are made though. I've definitely been in the first boat (well intentioned but REALLY stupid), and would hate to alienate people in that boat. At the same time...trolls are trolls are trolls....