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Tks Alice I just did


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Jerel, so you are saying that they must use these 3 nutritional pathways in order to exist in the long term? Or are you saying that they have evolved to have them because their nutritional requirements cannot be met by one on a consistent basis? Or none of the above?
And BTW I was using the word evolve in my other example as in short term and probably should have gone with adapt instead, I wasn't too concerned with their growing lips so they could whistle LOL.



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You guys are truly funny.

I lost my train of thought, I've been busy all day trying to teach Helen how to whistle.

>you are saying that they must use these 3 nutritional pathways in order to exist in the long term?<

In the wild.

>Or are you saying that they have evolved to have them because their nutritional requirements cannot be met by one on a consistent basis? Or none of the above?<

Yes, and it takes a combination of all.

Or that the ones that had this ability were able to have better survival rates and colonize more areas.

They have survived by being able to take advantage of whatever nature throws at them (or doesn't throw at them). This is more or less a sessile animal that doesn't have the short term option of actively hunting. It's more of a wait in ambush approach. Hoping that they picked a good spot. Even with that, spots change
. What might be a good spot right now, might not be all the time (seasonal). They have the option of moving, but moving carries it's own risks.
So they have a couple of backups that work when prey is not available. If they were able to sustain themselves on prey along, then the need for zoox and absorption pathways would have been un-chosen traits. The energy and location specifics associated with maintaining these other two traits are too site/host dependent. In other words, they are too limiting to the animal. From this you can deduce why these anemones are not found in deeper, darker waters where more prey is available. They have evolved to fill a niche in the clear waters of the upper reef. Sitting right out in the open. Not even under a overhang or in a cave, where it would be more likely for prey to blunder into them.

They are much better adapted to their own nutritional needs than a lot of the non-photo anemones. Considering their great size and high metabolisms.



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Jerel, thanks for the education on anemones
. Now I have one last question and I promise this is it, do anemones need light to survive and thrive in captive care if the other two metabolic pathways are satisfied?
BTW, my new Gorgs are to be here on friday, hope everything goes better this time around.

[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: SPC ]


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SPC:
<STRONG>do anemones need light to survive and thrive in captive care</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



But I think only because we don't understand enough about their nutritional needs.
Can humans survive in the dark.
Not until we knew about vitamin D. (that's all I could come up with <shrug> )

I'm sure your shipment bothered Teresa more than you will know. She's a great lady and will do back flips to make it right.




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Yes I agree she is a very nice person and was trying to do the right thing, she is a pleasure do deal with.
Maybe if we feed anemones milk for the vitamin D.... oh sorry I forgot I wasn't going to ask anymore questions.



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The only anemones that are being tank raised now are the bubble anemones, and that is through asexual reproduction. An animal cannot evolve through asexual reproduction. So until you are growing anemones through sexual reproduction they will not evolve. But clownfish might start evolving.


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SPC:
<STRONG>Will these anemones eventually evolve to not have any need for zoo? </STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Let's separate the animal from the plant for a minute.

First, it you're going to grow a plant in a certain spot. You have to have a plant that will live in that spot, or change plants. Anemones have already beat you to the punch on this one. They can almost pick and choose the plant da jour. Some zoox are better adjusted to lower light conditions, some higher light.

> while food being high quality and of the right quantity. <

Sort of like figuring out vitamins, huh? So what is the right quality? What percentage of proteins and carbs? Was it the Adkins Diet, or something like that, that advocated a almost total protein diet?

>Will these anemones eventually evolve to not have any need for zoo? <

Not in your lifetime. LOL But the discussion is: Do they need them in the first place.

Answer: Depends on where they are. They actually have a solid three nutritional pathways. Any single one designed to sustain the animal in the short term. Or at least long enough until things change again. At which time another single one or combination kicks in.

I need coffee

PS Mouse >But you could probably teach one to whisle sooner.< That was hysterical ROTFL


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While were discussing Anemones I have noticed an infrequent occurence with my LTA. Every 3 weeks or so I notice anemone tips (tentacles) on the rock. This does not happen often so I do not think it is caused by either my emerald green crab or a hitchhiker crab that I can not catch. I have searched in every place I can find about anemones and cannot find if anemones "shed" their tentacle tips or if something is infrequently harrasing him. My anemone is growing and does not seemed stressed, other than its objection to water changes.

Can anyone direct me to a source for info?


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LOL! If Helen starts whistling, you'd better get ready to take her on the road, she's such a prima donna!


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chris_h:
[QB]The only anemones that are being tank raised now are the bubble anemones, QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Uh, Alice, would you like to tell Chris about Helen? ROTFL



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While I've never met the "lady" myself, Jerel raised her from a pup and then made her glow in the dark, lol. She's a regular celebrity!


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It is here that I believe Jerel hit the nail on the head. The anemone is subject to many things in the wild. They are not subject to daily feedings like they are in the home aquarium. I will not go as far as to say that anemones use zoo as backup. But I will say they use their zoo as necessary. Lighting may not be as necessary as feeding,but,it is necessary. Also natural.



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Here is a picture I took of one of my anemones at night:


To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what species they are - they are kind of common, with a little dot at the end of each tentacle, though you can't see it in this picture.

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