The copyright notification - ... 255&t=4962 - for the record, that's BS, and a scare tactic. And yes, it is not clear what it even covers.
For the record, I wrote the copyright agreement that was BOD approved, and that ALL users have been bound by from approval to present. So long as this remains the current T&C, ownership of a post belongs to the poster, NOT MOFIB. And MOFIB cannot, to the best of my knowledge, retroactively recind your rights, nor can than claim more than was agreed to when you registered. Due notification was made when the terms changed, and all users were given the opportunity to cease participation if they no longer agreed by those terms. The copyright agreement that governs USERS contributions on MOFIB are as follows:
MOFIB believes strongly in balancing open communication with each individual's right to own their own work. Our mission depends on the contributions of our membership, and your participation here becomes public record. Please thoroughly consider the results of posting any information that you may feel is proprietary to your breeding efforts. While individual authors retain copyright ownership over the content of their posts (text and images), posting information here constitutes your consent and permission for MOFIB to retain this information in a database and dissemenate this information through any MOFIB controlled/sponsored online / digital format (RSS Feeds, Website Forums, Newsletters, etc.) in perpetuity. You also grant permission to MOFIB to cite your contributions in fixed-media formats (CD Roms, MOFIB-Sponsored presentations, print materials etc.), with appropriate citations and acknowledgments, in perpetuity. MOFIB will always seek your permission before using any images you provide online in any offline / fixed format media.
You can see these terms here - ... 2bdfebd72b
Which means, first and foremost, that AUTHORS retain ownership of their posts, and that MOFIB has no legal claim of ownership. As a poster you do grant perpetual rights for MOFIB to redistribute what you posted (in other words, you can't go back and demand that they delete your posts), but you are not granting them exclusive rights. Your words and images are your to repost anywhere you like. Which means, again, that the "group overviews" that MOFIB might not want scattered around, are in fact the property of the authors, and not MOFIB, and as such, all you need is the author's individual express permission to repost them.
You also gotta remember, there's a 4 page diatribe about copyright already on MOFIB, and most folks do not understand what copyright is all about, and what everyone's legal rights are. It is 100% legal to QUOTE something, as I have just done above. It' also 100% legal to link to something that is publicly available, as I have done. Some folks (and this "warning" from MOFIB) would suggest that what I have just done is infringment. Absolutely not.
Snailman, you are correct, the BOD can alter the bylaws. The BOD did so against my vote on March 18th in fact.
Currently however, it is the MEMBERS who elect the board of directors -
Section 3. Selection of the Board Members.
Selection of Directors shall be as necessary to replace outgoing board members. Directors shall be entitled to serve on the Board in indefinite consecutive terms or until they are no longer capable of fulfilling their role as Board Member. Any board member may be removed from office by resignation or majority vote of a quorum of Directors. Nominations for new board members shall be solicited from the Active membership. All Active members in good standing shall have the right to nominate a candidate for the board and to vote for Directors. . The current board reserves the right to accept/deny nominations and select new members according to their current needs. A vote by the Active membership may be used to break deadlocks in the selection process. These elections shall be made as necessary to expedite the selection process. Ballots may be distributed by mail, email or in such manner as the Board of Directors finds most expedient. The results of the selection process shall be announced within 5 working days of acceptance by the new board member.
Additionally, membership (being a Member) is still currently defined as anyone who has registered for the site. That has been the same since I incorporated MOFIB, and while that may IRK the current BOD and they may desire to change it, the fact remains that no, in reality, this is exactly as I intended it to be. Every one of the 1400 members is supposed to have a vote and a say in such an election.
Section 2. Members in Good Standing.
Members of MOFIB in good standing shall be those members who have completed and submitted a membership form for admission to the web forum. Initially, Board Members and Website Moderators will represent a separate tier of membership with the right of making recommendations where the expertise of experience is required.
I will only add that it is sad to see that this meeting was referred to as the "first" BOD meeting - not possible. I am also sad to see that John Lauth has officially whitewashed his illegal actions through this official post, and that he and Luis Magnasco entered false statements into the meeting as a matter to legitimize their illegal removal of me from the BOD during my vacation (which again, Luis claims the BOD was not aware of, yet he admits to being aware, and is 50% of the voting power of the BOD...not to mention that Will Heaton ALSO knew of my absense, and he was complicit in the removal of the website, database, and email from the corporate accounts, as he was the only other one who had the access to do so besides myself, for obvious good reasons)
I wish Mark Vera good luck as the president of MOFIB.