So nice to come home after an 8 day vacation without internet and see that apparently I've been removed from the BOD, and also from every moderator position I hold except a club outreach committee (but I can't access the MOFIB document respository which contains all the files I've created for the org). Basically, I've been removed completely to the level of an ordinary user.
MOFIB and me are 110% done. I cannot support a BOD which would support breaking the law (Dr. John Lauth's withholding of MOFIB's domains in a private, personal account, as a promise to Stephen Kennedy (SPK) is what started this whole problem). I cannot support a BOD that tried to hold an illegal BOD election (Luis simply did not know the law), but when faced with the PROPER and legal way to hold the election according to Illinois State Law, the BOD chose to instead chose to boot me out. I am shocked but not surprised to see Stephen Kennedy promoted to the position of website administrator although as "co founder" he has basically simply sat, bidded his time, and wielded the domains he contributed to the group as a weapon against me since I asked him to step down after a 5 month absense.
I cannot support a BOD that would backstab someone while they're on vacation (yes, gone for 8 days and no laptop) and LIE to some or all of the members (It seems that people were told or lead to believe that I VOLUNTARILY resigned...that is 110% incorrect). I have not recevied ANY communications from ANY BOD member since I left. I have no contact information for the new BOD member either.
While I understand the reasons, I cannot support a BOD the BOD's choice to replace me with a leader or a prominent commercial interest - I started MOFIB specifically to REMOVE the commercial ties. MOFIB is supposed to be commercial friendly for ALL, but I fear it cannot be so when a prominent commercial interest is in the uppermost leadership.
It's really simple to understand what happened. People allowed me to build up MOFIB with my own blood, sweat and tears for the past 2 years. The moment I asked for John Lauth's resignation and removal (for breaking the law and BOD mandates), everything was turned onto me, and like a pack of wolves, I was shredded. John Luath's loyalty to SPK, and Luis Magnasco's refusal to enforce the BOD rules, let alone corporate law, both took precidence over my fellow BOD member's feduciary responsibility to do what is right for the corporation, and resulted in my forceful removal from the BOD. I could *probably* take this to the State's Attorney at this point, but seriously, what good would it do for me and my family.
I have no more time to fight, and largely I have no real ability to fight, so I've contacted Luis and asked that I be put in touch with this new BOD member so I can quickly transfer ALL corporate assets to him (including the changeover of corporate registgered agent - we had to have one in IL, which is why Mark was chosen).
I will continue to breed fish, and I will fulfill all the speaking committments I made on behalf of MOFIB, but I will not be accepting any new MOFIB-related speaking engagements.
This outcome is tragic for MOFIB. Being in the right apparently sometimes isnt' enough, especially if you're the only one playing by the rules.
Matt Pedersen