I came across this 1996 article in Ocean Realm magazine. The author was Helmut Debelius.............
.At 15,ooo tons a year, Hong Kong is the largest market for live reef fish in southeast Asia. Taiwan currently imports about 7,ooo thousand tons, Singapore,around 1,000 tons. Nearly two thirds of all living coral reef fish offered in the restaurants of th e region are captured with sodium cyanide: in 1995 this amounted to approximately 25,000 tons valued at one billion dollars.For a single Neopoleon wrasse weighing as much as twenty kilos, Chinese are currently willing to pay $100 per kilo. Dr Johannes has made a video which graphically shows how the Nepoleon wrasse and the surrounding reef suffer from the use of cyanide by divers. After being chased into a corner, the stunned fish seeks shelter in the nooks and crannies of the coral reef and squeezes itself into the deepest recesses. Two divers break up several meters of coral just to get at the grouper.Now that the fish is totally defenseless, a stong shot of cyanide is aimed at its face, entering its mouth and gill openings. It is then pulled from the reef like a recalcitrant dog, trying to flee again as it begins to regain consciousness.A number of years ago , I was able to determine the the dose of cyanide appropriate for small fish. Naturally the amount needed to anesthetize a full grown five foot fish is much greater. Meanwhile, sodium cyanide fishing continues all over Southeast Asia region. In a sad way it is under-standable, since a seventeen year old cyanide diver can earn as much as $400 a month- three times as much as a university-educated civil servant makes.[end Quote} since 1991 ,the IMA under Dr. Peter Rubec, has installed four cyanide detection stations on various islands in the Philippines. these stations test captured fish for cyanide levels. In 1994 these testing efforts led to fifty criminal proceedings.............Perhaps Peter can offer some insight or rather HIND sight as to WHY this report never once even mentioned the live pet fish trade? This time period[1995] was the greatest year for the import of live hobby pet fish .and yet even then the pet collection was so small that it was too small to even include in the study...........the total number of fish imported for our trade has decreased ever since........perhaps the powers that be at that time had not as of yet thought up the scapegoat that this hobby is painted today? Tweny five thousand tons of fish from the reefs...........compared to fifty tons of pet fish per year? By the way , in the magazine there are photos of squirt bottle holding fishermen and behind them is this large barrier net ......... in their hands are high quality hand nets {not hand made} so maybe having the proper nets at hand is not going to stop them from using the other hand to hold a squirt bottle.? Do you really think this hobby is whats killing the reefs ? Even without the least bit of proof?
gremlin plants