gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Decided to make a post to keep my breeding journey fails and success. Changed and finished up my broodstock system originally had 1 pair breeding in a 40 breeder that I was using as a frag tank found it fun/ exciting to see all the different patterns that come out also not to get into detail but it’s helped me out personally, it is a lot of work and time consuming but I find it relaxing. So I shut down the frag tank and planned to build a system specifically just to breed. Took a while but finally finished it. I’m not really one to take pictures my wife is always telling me to do before and after but here’s the system. I followed one of the king of diy stands on YouTube just different measurements. Originally was only going to do the 4 pairs on top with 2 5 gallons tanks for the rotifers and 2 5 gallon tanks for the fry but then thought hey why not get a few more pairs. So I found a couple of pairs that were already breeding and I already had 4 pairs that I was trying to pair up I have an extra 5 and 10 gallon tanks I would have to put them in while I ordered the tank for the middle.



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Ordered a tank and it came cracked, spoke to John from advanced acrylics and without hesitation he said he would make me another one.

Fast forward 2 weeks later I received the other tank, the box was in horrible condition I was expecting the worst but thankfully this one got here good. After about 2 hours of trying to figure out how to plumb and also had to change my sump I only had about 3 inches of space to work in the sump, it’s up and running.


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On to the pairs
Blacker ice and black snowflake recently paired together.

Mocha storm and regular ocellaris got as a breeding pair

Black ocellaris and mocha storm also got as a breeding pair laid eggs once for me but they ate them the next day

Black storms trying to pair them can’t get a good pic of them

Longfin mocha and Picasso after 2 weeks together looking like they starting to bond


Snowflakes started to form a bond


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Got a nice surprise Wednesday night one of the pairs started to lay again. They ate a lot of them. Don't have rotifers, just placed a order, don't think I'll have time to try and raise these so hopefully next batch.


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Got some of the black ocellaris that hatched 21 day ago, lost 17 I'm guessing they didn't transition to eating dried food, they all still had silver stomachs. Counted about 40 they move too much and still to small to get a actual count. Don't know why but all pictures are loading sideways.

Hard to see the eggs they're still orange they layed yesterday. This is the second time the picasso layed, first time they ate the eggs. Looks like the male is tending the nest this time.

Orange and mocha storm started laying also due to hatch today they clean the inside of the pot but she decided to lay right outside next to it smh


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I give them live rotifers from day 1 until day 8 around day 3 or 4 I start feeding tdo A to start weaning them off the live food. Have read about bbs after rotifers but never tried it.
Those hatched last night only caught about about 20 or 30.
Woke up to a nice surprise this morning


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Got some of the black ocellaris that hatched 21 day ago, lost 17 I'm guessing they didn't transition to eating dried food, they all still had silver stomachs. Counted about 40 they move too much and still to small to get a actual count Chauffeured transportation from cdg to Rouen. Don't know why but all pictures are loading sideways. View attachment 346313
Hard to see the eggs they're still orange they layed yesterday. This is the second time the picasso layed, first time they ate the eggs. Looks like the male is tending the nest this time.View attachment 346317
Orange and mocha storm started laying also due to hatch today they clean the inside of the pot but she decided to lay right outside next to it smh View attachment 346318
Me, what I did was that I fed them myself and followed their diet closely. So it didn't happen naturally.

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Ordered a tank and it came cracked, spoke to John from advanced acrylics and without hesitation he said he would make me another one.
View attachment 334125
Fast forward 2 weeks later I received the other tank, the box was in horrible condition I was expecting the worst but thankfully this one got here good. After about 2 hours of trying to figure out how to plumb and also had to change my sump I only had about 3 inches of space to work in the sump, it’s up and running.
View attachment 334126
what size tank is on top?

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