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Advanced Reefer
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I have to buy a camera for my class and for my future anyway. i do graphic design,advertising, print work all that good stuff so i need the best camera out of the ones i list.

Nikon D3100
Cannon Rebel T2,T3

I dont know anything about cameras, i tried researching all of them but i really don't know what i am looking for so its hard for me to determine whats the better buy. thanks for any help.


Advanced Reefer
central jersey
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I am a little partial cause I own the d3100.. But I have friend with the rebal t3 and they are really close matches in quality and options, so if I were you head to the closest store that sells both and see which one is more comfortable and feels better to hold and shoot..
But both are great cameras in my opinion....


Winter. Time for Flakes..
Rating - 100%
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Jarrett, you can also shoot out to Cameta Camera on 110... they can give you some insight on cameras and assist you with any questions. Instead of travelling all the way out to the city for B&H. This is where I pick up my lenses.


Advanced Reefer
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i actually have a place i can go to right here on the island in amityville, but i was looking to purchase online because i know these cameras are overpriced in store. i am not really looking for a beginner camera i want a good camera that takes high quality pics that i can learn on and use for work.


A Little Annoyed!
Rating - 96.6%
84   3   0
IMO the Nikon vs Canon is just like someone said earlier Coke vs Pepsi.

They are so similar especially when you come down to a high end consumer camera even the pro-sumer cameras.

Goto the store and handle the cameras. I personally have a Canon 50d and love it.

Once you go with one brand you will most likely stick with that brand, since the investment in lenses is the biggest part. The camera bodies do the same thing for the most part. Lenses is what really "takes a good pic".

So I would say, goto the store figure the "MOST" that you want to spend and then handle the cameras. They all feel different so one may be better for your hand then the other.

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