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Addicted to coral
Rating - 100%
84   0   0
I think it was a great time,one of my best MR swaps ever.... nothing bad to say at all.There was plenty of food, cool people, good speakers and coral was so cheap at the end of the day.
I think if Chery Corals did not have a problem the night before maybe it would of been more spread out. Maybe just 1-2 more venders would of just made it less crowed, I felt it was not that crowed,lol
It's hard to make everyone happy. Even if it went perfect you always have some who complains.......
Rating - 99.1%
225   2   0
Having different times frames is like having whole different swaps going on the same day.. and it also wouldnt be fair to those coming in the afternoon swap as all the good corals are gone in the morning swap..

It will be fair if the price is different, such as setting morning session to more expensive than the afternoon one. Those who want to get their first choices of corals, can pay higher for the early bird(morning swap). Those who are into chilling out, can go for the afternoon hang out event. Vendors will bring more than they can sell anyway, so the afternoon chill out people can still enjoy the reefing settings of a meet up. Plus a lot of the times vendors are also hobbyists themselves, this arrangement allows them to catch up with fellow members in the afternoon session. Those who have their mind set to come grab their trophies will leave early, not matter what other attractions you try to throw in, even if you did not break the event into two sessions. Just look at the density of people in the morning vs. afternoon-they have to bring all their grabs home ASAP.

I personally think, the food part should go away IF there is another option such as paying the cafeteria to open earlier.

There are lot of places that are much cheaper in rent but lack the established tank tours which is kind of unique for running a reef event in Pratt.

Hiking the price JUST TO DETER certain members to come is not morally correct, so we should look for solutions other than that.
Last edited:

House of Laughter

Super Moderator
Staff member
Ossining, NY
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310   0   0
Also if we knew what the budget was for a larger venue that might help find a place. As James mentioned a school would be a good idea and schools especially grammar/middle schools could always use the money. What better solution than helping out our youth as well as our event. Maybe someone could PM me what the budget is and I could check a few things there is a few schools by me I think I could work something out with now that I think about it. I have 1 in particular in mind that has a very big space I did a lot of work with them in the past hosting other events. We have done large pancake breakfasts at one for several hundred people and another we used to do a family bingo night we called supermarket sweepstakes the bingo prizes were bags of groceries to help the families out which was a very big crowd of several hundred also. This venue also has a large auditorium that connects to a large cafeteria I think it could be perfect for our next swap.

Trigg, way to step up -

Another large barrier for these events are the electrical details and specs that are required to pull this off. Most people have no idea about how much actually happens - at the MACNA ins Atlantic City - we had to pay for a 15a circuit. electricity is a huge cost in NYC especially given the cost of the barrel oil or coal which run our plants (locally).

I would start there are the conversation of cost usually is superseded by electric




Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
29   0   0
has anyone looked into the Westchester County Center? Their rates seem reasonable. 2800 for the day for the huge 23000 sq ft main hall. They have other smaller rooms for less of course. Not sure if its a location issue. Just an idea.

House of Laughter

Super Moderator
Staff member
Ossining, NY
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310   0   0
has anyone looked into the Westchester County Center? Their rates seem reasonable. 2800 for the day for the huge 23000 sq ft main hall. They have other smaller rooms for less of course. Not sure if its a location issue. Just an idea.

yeah, the space is not the problem - labor for electric, cleaning etc is where the costs become a deciding factor. I am going to see if I can speak to their event planner to at least get some conversations in the works.



Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 100%
172   0   0
No problem Jim I always thought that the space was an issue and as we grow in size so quickly we need to act fast. I am just now reading the complaint thread and there is many new people I have never seen on the board before or at least until recently. That brings down quality of people a bit as well as the fact many of our long term members were unable to get a spot. It sounds like many of the new faces who are not accustomed to our polite way of interaction and sense of family in our community took up many of those spots and made the event a disaster. It's common courtesy and just plain hygienic that you should wear deodorant and maybe chew some gum when you are in close quarters LOL. I heard that complaint and I couldn't agree more. When you bump into someone/step on a foot etc. at least be polite and excuse yourself. We are all at the event to see corals and enjoy the company of other hobbyist's as well as learn something new it is NOT a war. Perhaps we should have a spray down section for our new members set up w/ cologne and deo :idea:

As I said Jim if you or Josh can provide me w/ some info on budget and electricity info etc I will go and see what I can do. A queens swap would be a nice change also. This place's cafeteria is really good size w/ many tables to sit, a big kitchen that has a big cutout w/ counter so it could make the food serving very organized it also would be good for the speakers because there is a mic set up in there as well. I really think this can be a great potential solution.
Commack, NY
Rating - 0%
0   0   0
I think the chairs in the middle of room create too much clutter and unnecessary congestion. A lot of people were milling about right in front of the vendor booths engaged in socializing or conversation with each other and impeding the flow of traffic from booth to booth. They stood there because the chairs in the middle of the hall made for an obstacle course/maze. Perhaps the majority of the chairs should be removed and only brought back during lunch and raffle in order to clear the middle of the room for mingling. Otherwise, the empty chairs just seem to get in the way. (tired people could always rest their bones elsewhere, or sit in the presentation room.)


Barnum Island
Rating - 100%
200   0   0
No problem Jim I always thought that the space was an issue and as we grow in size so quickly we need to act fast. I am just now reading the complaint thread and there is many new people I have never seen on the board before or at least until recently. That brings down quality of people a bit as well as the fact many of our long term members were unable to get a spot. It sounds like many of the new faces who are not accustomed to our polite way of interaction and sense of family in our community took up many of those spots and made the event a disaster. It's common courtesy and just plain hygienic that you should wear deodorant and maybe chew some gum when you are in close quarters LOL. I heard that complaint and I couldn't agree more. When you bump into someone/step on a foot etc. at least be polite and excuse yourself. We are all at the event to see corals and enjoy the company of other hobbyist's as well as learn something new it is NOT a war. Perhaps we should have a spray down section for our new members set up w/ cologne and deo :idea:

As I said Jim if you or Josh can provide me w/ some info on budget and electricity info etc I will go and see what I can do. A queens swap would be a nice change also. This place's cafeteria is really good size w/ many tables to sit, a big kitchen that has a big cutout w/ counter so it could make the food serving very organized it also would be good for the speakers because there is a mic set up in there as well. I really think this can be a great potential solution.

many of our long term members were unable to get a spot.
Many? I think I saw maybe 6 threads of folks who didn't heed the posts regarding getting their tickets purchased before we would sell out. The fact that we would sell out was posted on the RSVP thread from day 1.

made the event a disaster
I must have attended a different swap, the one I was at was hardly what I would consider a disaster. Warm? yes, so I took off my jacket, I was fine, and nobody ran threw that room as many times as I did yesterday. Crowded? at times, yes. A disaster? Far from it. Were you even there or are you restating the opinions of the minority, at least one of whom was not even at the swap but continually trashes just about everything on MR?

Do we need a slightly larger venue, yes, but it won't alleviate the crowding around the vendors tables as they will not get any larger. The most popular ones will always have a crowd.

Thank you to everyone who has offered intelligent suggestions for what we can do to make the swap better :)


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 100%
172   0   0
Kat you of all people should know I don't have a bad thing to say about the swaps and I love them. I wasn't trying to be negative and as you should already know I wasn't even there. I would have obviously said hello to you and probably won some raffle prizes LOL! I don't know who was there and who wasn't but I did see a bunch of threads from people saying they couldn't get a spot as well as heard from other people via phone/text they couldn't get a spot either. I wasn't keeping tabs because it's not my concern but from what I gathered a lot of people were unable to attend both new and long term members.

Either way regardless of their membership term it sucks everyone couldn't attend and a larger venue would definitely help that. As far as the "disaster" comment I didn't mean my personal opinion again because I obviously wasn't there but that other thread is pretty brutal. It seemed like a lot of people were pissed saying it was the worst swap ever etc. All these new members who are perhaps not accustomed to the way things usually are and since they are not all friends like the rest of us didn't respect the event or treat the event so friendly and made it more about being out for themselves instead of a chance to meet people and gain knowledge. Again just what I gathered from the other threads.

I'm sure everyone that helped out all did a great job and I honestly think that by the list of raffle prizes it sounded like the best damn raffle ever! Unfortunately I have had so much going on I couldn't go but I will be at the next one for sure.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
Rating - 98.9%
180   2   0
I think the chairs in the middle of room create too much clutter and unnecessary congestion. A lot of people were milling about right in front of the vendor booths engaged in socializing or conversation with each other and impeding the flow of traffic from booth to booth. They stood there because the chairs in the middle of the hall made for an obstacle course/maze. Perhaps the majority of the chairs should be removed and only brought back during lunch and raffle in order to clear the middle of the room for mingling. Otherwise, the empty chairs just seem to get in the way. (tired people could always rest their bones elsewhere, or sit in the presentation room.)

I really, really like this idea. The chairs were a maze, especially by the end of the day. But this isn't the fault of MR, it's the fault of rude people who just threw their things on the chairs, or moved chairs where they wanted them and then left it that way. IMO, the even overall was good. It was a little too warm and crowded for me, but it didn't deter me from buying anything. What kept me from buying more than anything else was being pushed and shoved by MEMBERS. The mods, volunteers, vendors were all fine. Do you need a bigger space? Yeah, I think it's time. Do we need to have a little more respect for one another at these events? ABSOLUTELY. That's my biggest piece of advice, have some respect for the person next to you.
Anyone that b*tches about the price of this event is in the wrong damn hobby.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon NJ
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
How bad would it be to bring the swap across the river? say Rutherford NJ? the Sheraton hotel has many large conference space/rooms for rent and its close to the city. And as far as everyone wanting the rare corals maybe the more rare frags and corals can be up for a Coral Auction instead of first come first serve or some silly $2000 VIP entry fee. let the highest bidder walk away with the goods. let the coral vendors set the reserve price for the piece of coral and everything thats made over the reserve should maybe go into a til for the next event or maybe a donation for reef research or maybe even a tax deductable manhattan reefs scholarship fund for young members in school...I like the auction idea if has many++++ and its REAL SIMPLE YOU WANT IT THE RARE CORAL ? PAY FOR IT.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 100%
172   0   0
I agree with the chair idea..if the chairs weren't all over that would help and if they were in the cafeteria room people could bs in there and maybe we just pull them out for the raffle or maybe even do the raffle in the cafeteria if there could be a mic set up in there so we wouldn't have to move the chairs at all. HMM


Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
Rating - 0%
0   0   0
How bad would it be to bring the swap across the river? say Rutherford NJ? the Sheraton hotel has many large conference space/rooms for rent and its close to the city. And as far as everyone wanting the rare corals maybe the more rare frags and corals can be up for a Coral Auction instead of first come first serve or some silly $2000 VIP entry fee. let the highest bidder walk away with the goods. let the coral vendors set the reserve price for the piece of coral and everything thats made over the reserve should maybe go into a til for the next event or maybe a donation for reef research or maybe even a tax deductable manhattan reefs scholarship fund for young members in school...I like the auction idea if has many++++ and its REAL SIMPLE YOU WANT IT THE RARE CORAL ? PAY FOR IT.

Isn't the swap more about the hobby than the money? If you're going to be bidding on it then they should change it to MR Auction instead.

The NJAS holds, just held their Spring auction the Elks Club in Lyndhurst. I'm sure that place can accomodate everyone since they don't even charge an entrance fee and open to the public.


Experienced Reefer
Rating - 100%
6   0   0
All I gotta say in regards to the two types of tickets (an AM ticket & PM ticket)...

There were still PLENTY of really nice coral in each vendor's booth around 3pm...

So that might not be a bad idea...

I don't think any vendor did (or ever has) sold out of coral at a swap, although I could be wrong.


Cheeky Reefer
Rating - 100%
55   0   0
How much are we paying Pratt? I'm a director at the YMCA out in Bellerose. We can talk offline about that Jim if youre interested. It doesn't have to be Bellerose, I could probably get another branch involved if I really wanted.

I was at the swap. I didn't see any issues with the crowd. The lines were kinda slow in the morning. I just found myself saying someone should have been proactive in doing a preregister (like start handing out nametags) before doors open but then the downside is that foot traffic would be overwhelming upfront. But, again, I can see how one would have an issue with the "coziness" of the facility. I don't think it's too bad. It's taking place at Pratt! A school that focuses on marinelife which I like as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Cheeky Reefer
Rating - 100%
55   0   0
How bad would it be to bring the swap across the river? say Rutherford NJ? the Sheraton hotel has many large conference space/rooms for rent and its close to the city. And as far as everyone wanting the rare corals maybe the more rare frags and corals can be up for a Coral Auction instead of first come first serve or some silly $2000 VIP entry fee. let the highest bidder walk away with the goods. let the coral vendors set the reserve price for the piece of coral and everything thats made over the reserve should maybe go into a til for the next event or maybe a donation for reef research or maybe even a tax deductable manhattan reefs scholarship fund for young members in school...I like the auction idea if has many++++ and its REAL SIMPLE YOU WANT IT THE RARE CORAL ? PAY FOR IT.

Yeah the swap isn't intended for vendors to make a quick buck. It's going out of their way to expanding the knowledge of reefing by reaching out to local venues. The whole idea of rare corals is a touchy subject because of the naming industry and what not. In Europe, corals have no names and are just, if not more, unique than what ORA gives to states... The whole rare crap is a result of corporate America and unfortunately vendors are forced to ride the wave or be destroyed by bigger companies within the industry.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
32   0   0
Roughly what square footage was the Pratt space used for this past Spring swap?

I can engage in conversation with some Bronx parochial schools with sizable cafeterias. The only issue would be parking, but the venue I have in mind is 1 block away from the D train and 4 blocks away from the 4 train.

Like someone said earlier, these places could def. use the money.


Advanced Reefer
Poconos, PA
Rating - 100%
54   0   0
I am dedicating this first post to highlight some of the solutions to a previous thread with all the "wrong" things about the swap. As I noted, I like to be part of the solution as that will ALWAYS get it done. Solutions should be within reach - the javit's center is not a solution that is in reach.

New (Larger) venue - seek other public facilities out (YMCA, Firehouses etc)
Increased price - to better manage attendees
VIP Tickets - (what would be the criteria?)
Wave Theory - bring in 2 waves of people - 10-2, 2-6 (first come first served, higher price for full day vs 1/2)
Price Structure - one with food, one without. Food bands required and someone at table to check them).
NY Aquarium - wing or space for rentals (secured).
Reduce the price and not supply food - perhaps see if the Pratt cafe can open at 2pm instead of 5 (revenue opportunity for them there).
More Swaps (NDY from other thread)


My vendor views, I know you're not taking votes but I'll try and give a brief explanation to why I agree with some points and don't on others

1. as a vendor I would agree with a larger venue, a larger venue will allow for more attendees and thus offsetting the higher price paid for such venue, it will also make the experience more pleasant, I was hot by 9am and it was just us in there

2. No price increase: MR is already one of the most expensive swaps to attend, increasing the price will only deter people from attending all together

3. No price structure, No wave theory, No VIP tickets: this will only confuse the attendees and create animosity to those selected VIPs, a wave theory does not help the vendors as it may take someone more than half a day to actually see everything that is available, I had people come to me in the afternoon not knowing I was stuck at the last corner of the place

4. Pratt cafe is a great idea and will benefit both Pratt and MR

5. more swaps? we have already many swaps to log our stuff around, but we will attend if you choose to arrange them.


Advanced Reefer
Central Jersey
Rating - 82.4%
14   3   0
I really really love the NJ idea! Does anyone know if renting a space in NJ is less $$ than renting in NY? If so, it might be a good idea. Plus you know there's free parking for sure in jersey.

One more suggestion: can the raffles be done hourly? like if the swap starts at 10am, then at 11am, there's a raffle, then at 12pm there's another one and so on until the end of the swap. The items can be categorized from maybe something small earlier in the day to something better later in the day. I think it would keep everyone interested all day.

How bad would it be to bring the swap across the river? say Rutherford NJ? the Sheraton hotel has many large conference space/rooms for rent and its close to the city. And as far as everyone wanting the rare corals maybe the more rare frags and corals can be up for a Coral Auction instead of first come first serve or some silly $2000 VIP entry fee. let the highest bidder walk away with the goods. let the coral vendors set the reserve price for the piece of coral and everything thats made over the reserve should maybe go into a til for the next event or maybe a donation for reef research or maybe even a tax deductable manhattan reefs scholarship fund for young members in school...I like the auction idea if has many++++ and its REAL SIMPLE YOU WANT IT THE RARE CORAL ? PAY FOR IT.

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