gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
hello im new to this site n i signed up to the frag swap when u show up to the door wat proof do u need to bring a copy of your paypal bill or something ?
Just bring TSA proof of identity. Drivers License, Passport, credit cards (with high available balances), Original SS#, few hundred dollars in unmarked bills never hurt anyone, fingerprint analysis, ocular scan, sub-dermal micro chip implant.
I wish we had such swaps in Norway... :grumpy:
But I hope you all will be having a super time and that you acquire many sweet frags!
(and remember to dip the frags everyone)
will there be venders at this reef show, the lasy one I was at was at pace and was very happy with the selection that their was
Has the actual scheduled time & place for the lectures been posted anywhere as yet? I'd like to attend the lectures this time around.I always miss them.
Not formally, but if you are there by 11:00 I'm confident you won't miss either of them. All the swap info should be finalized and available this coming week.