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What are some of your pet peeves?

One of the irrational things that annoys me is SPS that aren't "level." When people buy colonies or relocate colonies, I hate it when they place the corals on any incline. ;)

For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo1PX1tK ... r_embedded
Love this Japanese tank for how "level" everything is ;) :http://glassbox-design.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/anagonbe-fts-1.jpg


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Meh that level thing is a little too sterile and unnatural looking.. surely it didn't grow in that way did it?

For me... it's kind of minor but algae I ONLY see when I take the super pretty macro shots with my camera, usually on rocks and what not. With the eye, don't see squat, yet with the macro it pops up clear as day.


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It's not that I'm a fan of the "neat" arrangement. I just appreciate corals that grow parallel to the ground. My pet peeve is when corals are placed crooked (on a slant).


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You shouldn't see my tank then... some of mine are growing at all sorts of weird angles :D


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People that live through other peoples tanks... you know who you are :P

Just kidding karl :P


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pet peeves? Oh lord where do I start? how about giving good advice to someone who then promply ignores your advice does the opposite and then complains that it didnt work,

or no matter where I set a frag a turbo snail will come along and knock it down.

people that walk up to your tank and start telling you how you should have set it up.


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GreshamH":1xf5iw51 said:
People that live through other peoples tanks... you know who you are :P

Just kidding karl :P

I've already built a new tank, Gresh!


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At least he took a picture of his before he filled it with water, LEN.


Chip ;)


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People who criticize things they have no experience with. :?

People who tell you what your doing can't work, even though its been working for months. :evil:

People who think their way is the only way. :roll:

People who get upset when after weighing the options you decide to do something different than they suggest. :x

and finally when your research pays off and your system is a success and people attribute it to something else because after all they said it wouldn't work. :mrgreen:


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People who make generalizations about what others say without actually understanding what was said.

People who think disagreement means emotion.

People who don't understand post hoc ergo proctor hoc.

Changing MH bulbs.

The inherent inaccuracy of test kits.

Common names.


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Thales":3hnpoqdi said:
People who don't understand post hoc ergo proctor hoc.
Google experiences a temporary shutdown due to searching the meaning
of post hoc ergo proctor hoc.

Mine was always bottles with names like "slime-o-gone" or some such that
people can squirt in and avoid fixing the real problem, cause salt is expensive
or Reverse Osmosis kits are hard to install.


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seamaiden":1b5tr57o said:
Reverse osmosis, because it's so wasteful.
I've been researching ways to increase efficiency, and found a very simple one of running two membranes in line can reduce waste 50%


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So, instead of wasting two gallons of water for every gallon produced you only waste one gallon? Wow! :D


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You can also run just sediment/carbon/DI and waste zero (that's what we do). :P

Fish that don't behave the way you want them to behave.
The limitations of what water tests (even the super accurate ones) can tell you about a system.
Creating water motion without anybody being able to see what's creating it (much trickier than it might sound).
People tapping on the front glass!

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