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Oh yeah, the glass tapping. MAN I used to go OFF on people for that. Here, let me put a bucket over your head and start hitting it. :D

Did I mention what I use for filtration? Love me that Mr. Clean Autodry Carwash thingy.


seamaiden":3dk3x4oo said:
So, instead of wasting two gallons of water for every gallon produced you only waste one gallon? Wow! :D
I think you're being a bit generous... instead of wasting 4-5 gallons for every gallon produced.... you only waste 2 or so. And by waste I pump it directly to my back yard, so it's not being wasted :P ... ok it might sorta be getting wasted now that' it's raining really hard :D

Matt_":3dk3x4oo said:
You can also run just sediment/carbon/DI and waste zero (that's what we do). :P
Have any idea how much energy/water is used to make the resin in your DI only setup that you go through way faster that you should? :D


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Matt_":uj7hoink said:
Fish that don't behave the way you want them to behave.
People tapping on the front glass!
Oh, how did we go so many posts without someone saying tapping on the glass...derh.
I used to have a friend in the USAF and his roommate in the barracks used to take his
Pink Congo out of the aquarium and thunk it on the head and throw it back when it wouldn't
behave. I think it was some form of shock therapy or something.


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LFS folks who give lousy advice are at the top of my list.
Next comes purchasing pricey equipment that I later find out I didn't really need, usually the result of listening to some LFS staff member.
Then comes mysterious fish and invert deaths and disappearances. I'm getting better as time goes on at avoiding these, but I've definitely had my share!
My final pet peeve (at the moment) is tank maintenance. I know, not the best hobby for someone who doesn't like to fiddle around with buckets and hoses! I think I've found a good solution though in getting a ton of LR and using that and a cleanup crew rather than all kinds of mechanical and chemical filtration which needs to be cleaned/replaced.


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When aquascaping collapses after being stable for years, and you have to spend 4 hours putting a mature tank back together.


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One of mine is misjudging delicate coral and LR placement because refraction screws up my spatial judgment, causing me to bash said coral/LR into another piece of coral or the glass. :x

seamaiden":275y94bh said:
Oh yeah, the glass tapping. MAN I used to go OFF on people for that. Here, let me put a bucket over your head and start hitting it. :D
lol, I'm gonna try that line one of these days.


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I have another one all of a sudden: paying $50.00 for a bubble tip anemone, watching it flower up all pretty for 3 days and then having it decide to move behind a rock somewhere where I can't get to it or see it hardly at all! :x


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JohnHenry":3oic00mq said:
One of mine is misjudging delicate coral and LR placement because refraction screws up my spatial judgment, causing me to bash said coral/LR into another piece of coral or the glass. :x

seamaiden":3oic00mq said:
Oh yeah, the glass tapping. MAN I used to go OFF on people for that. Here, let me put a bucket over your head and start hitting it. :D
lol, I'm gonna try that line one of these days.
I love telling people what to do. Have I ever recounted the story of the men who were tapping the tank of a waspfish, that just happened to be housed above a large grouper? Of course it jumped, and landed right in the grouper tank. They panicked and tried to grab it, of course one of them got stung. They marched up to the front of the store yelling how we were going to get sued because we have these dangerous fish. I'd just started, but had no problem taking control of the situation. I asked what happened and when they told me I ordered the man who'd been stung to go into the bathroom and pee on his finger, and then they were to leave and never come back.

He did it! :lol:

That's a lot of power to be able to order someone larger than oneself to pee on their finger and they do what you tell them.

It's kids I had the biggest problem with, and I don't wait around for Mom or Dad to decide if they're going to allow unacceptable behavior or not, I just react. Swiftly. 8)


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sfsuphysics":2gzx8l29 said:
Have any idea how much energy/water is used to make the resin in your DI only setup that you go through way faster that you should? :D

I don't know, but DI resin can be recharged, while RO membranes can't.


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Matt_":21r7xs7a said:
sfsuphysics":21r7xs7a said:
Have any idea how much energy/water is used to make the resin in your DI only setup that you go through way faster that you should? :D

I don't know, but DI resin can be recharged, while RO membranes can't.
Recharged with magical fairy dust that falls out of the trees? or using extremely caustic chemicals that do require some production? :)

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, just there's an unknown out there that often is ignored when comparing RO/DI vs DI only as far as "waste"


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Fruit stands

Any name along the lines of Reverse Radioactive Gorilla Nipples

"Collector" corals that are half as pretty and cost four times as much as Bob Mankin's old solomon island frags

My inability to get a supply of rhabdamia gracilis

Flatworms. Nothing pisses me off like flatworms. Except caulerpa racemosa, which is the devil.


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Yay! I'm able to see my anemone now it showed its tentacled "face"! But boo now one of my false percs is missing!!! This pet peeve is that for every good thing that happens, something seems to go wrong! :cry:

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