My house was built in the 50's with nearly the same spacing (13") and size of joists as yours. I called a contractor I was familiar with (25yrs experience). I told him about my tank (180) and estimated weight. He told me that on a load bearing wall with my support the maximum load would be 1500 lbs per square foot!
It never hurts to be careful, but maybe first you could not hire someone to do the work, just pay them a few bucks to give you a max load estimate. i'm sure it would be cheaper and maybe even free.
My house was built in the 50's with nearly the same spacing (13") and size of joists as yours. I called a contractor I was familiar with (25yrs experience). I told him about my tank (180) and estimated weight. He told me that on a load bearing wall with my support the maximum load would be 1500 lbs per square foot!
It never hurts to be careful, but maybe first you could not hire someone to do the work, just pay them a few bucks to give you a max load estimate. i'm sure it would be cheaper and maybe even free.