I've been listening and learning from everyone's responses so far. Just to put my final spin on matters, it seems like there are three options for Newbie reefers who want simple, all-in-1 metal halide lights to put on their tanks. Using the 36-inch hoods as a comparison point, they are:
1. The Odyssea - $180. Somewhat dubious quality, but there are enough "good for the amount you're paying" reviews to make it worth considering. One major downside: the PC bulbs are so cheap that you may want to replace them right away. Still, even with $60 for new bulbs, this thing is significantly cheaper than the competition. Major downside: with only one plug, it is impossible to use timers on the seperate lighting units (MH/CF/Lunar) unless you're an electrician.
http://aquatraders.com/index.asp?PageAc ... &ProdID=12
2. Coralife Aqualight Pro - $370. Significantly more expensive than the Odyssea, but comes from one of the most reputeable names in aquarium lighting. Other than some complaints about flimsy support arms, this unit has gotten many positive reviews. A pretty safe bet for quality.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... eName=WDVW
3. Outer Orbit - $410. The few reviews I've found of this product have been generally good. It is perhaps the coolest looking of the hoods in terms of aestetics, but Outer Orbit in general has a somewhat sketchy reputation around the web. Some people swear by their products, others seriously question them. Small bonus: it has 4 lunar lights to Coralife's 2.
Based on all I've read, it seems like the Odyssea is a good buy for the truly cost conscious who is willing to sacrifice some quality and customer service for a cheap MH set. For those who want to spend more, Coralife seems like the safe bet. I would love to hear from other Orbit users, of course.
1. The Odyssea - $180. Somewhat dubious quality, but there are enough "good for the amount you're paying" reviews to make it worth considering. One major downside: the PC bulbs are so cheap that you may want to replace them right away. Still, even with $60 for new bulbs, this thing is significantly cheaper than the competition. Major downside: with only one plug, it is impossible to use timers on the seperate lighting units (MH/CF/Lunar) unless you're an electrician.
http://aquatraders.com/index.asp?PageAc ... &ProdID=12
2. Coralife Aqualight Pro - $370. Significantly more expensive than the Odyssea, but comes from one of the most reputeable names in aquarium lighting. Other than some complaints about flimsy support arms, this unit has gotten many positive reviews. A pretty safe bet for quality.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... eName=WDVW
3. Outer Orbit - $410. The few reviews I've found of this product have been generally good. It is perhaps the coolest looking of the hoods in terms of aestetics, but Outer Orbit in general has a somewhat sketchy reputation around the web. Some people swear by their products, others seriously question them. Small bonus: it has 4 lunar lights to Coralife's 2.
Based on all I've read, it seems like the Odyssea is a good buy for the truly cost conscious who is willing to sacrifice some quality and customer service for a cheap MH set. For those who want to spend more, Coralife seems like the safe bet. I would love to hear from other Orbit users, of course.