I've been searching around for a relatively inexpensive 36" metal halide/compact flourescent combo lighting system and until now, I thought Coralife's $400 model was as inexpensive as it got. Another poster provided a link to a combo system made by Odyssea, however, that blows Coralife away in terms of price:
http://aquatraders.com/index.asp?PageAc ... &ProdID=12
Does anyone have experience with Odyssea or its products? I love a good deal as much as the next guy, but I've also learned it sometimes pays to be skeptical when a product's price is way out of line with the competition. I want to believe I can get a metal halide system up and running for less than $200, I really do!
I just want to hear from someone else whose done it first...
UPDATE - there is some discussion of Odyssea in this thread, but I'm interested to hear if anyone else has had experience with them.
http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.p ... ht=odyssea
UPDATE 2: Odyssea lights are also sometimes referred to as Jebo, which apparently does not have the best name in the business.
http://aquatraders.com/index.asp?PageAc ... &ProdID=12
Does anyone have experience with Odyssea or its products? I love a good deal as much as the next guy, but I've also learned it sometimes pays to be skeptical when a product's price is way out of line with the competition. I want to believe I can get a metal halide system up and running for less than $200, I really do!
I just want to hear from someone else whose done it first...
UPDATE - there is some discussion of Odyssea in this thread, but I'm interested to hear if anyone else has had experience with them.
http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.p ... ht=odyssea
UPDATE 2: Odyssea lights are also sometimes referred to as Jebo, which apparently does not have the best name in the business.