contrary to popular belief, and I may get my head chopped off saying this, but oxygen has nothing to do with raising ph. It is all carbon Dioxide. Co2 ionizes in the water yeilding carbonic acid (weak acid) carbonic acid then raises the amount of hydrogen in the water, lowering your PH. In case someone reading doesnt know, all that PH scale is, it is a inverse logarithmic measurement of the amount of hydrogen in a solution, nothing more nothing less. It doesnt measure molar or strength of a solution or how much hydrogen is actually released during breakdown. All in all, the more hydrogen in a solution, the lower the PH will be. Oxygen does have a round ass away of contributing but only in the fact that if there is oxygen in a solution then there is not as much room for co2. But for all intensive purposes, and it will help you in the long run as far as acid base balance goes, forget completely about oxygen. It isnt important. Hopefully that helped answer someones question about what raises PH. The more chemical compounds that are able to take up hydrogen in a solution (be it bicarb, ammonia whatever) The higher the PH will be.