Alos, I'm a little curious why one of your sponsors is associated with this project. What is their role going to be?
We are the ones who proposed doing this test and will carry it out. We have done similar analyses in the past on our own nickel, but the cost of this one means that is helping to get the word out about funding it. Also, the results will probably be published here first.
If you like, think of it as our project that has been kind enough to help out with, not the other way around. I.e. did not think of this and then ask one of their sponsors to assist.
Personally, I only want to sell the best products in our store. Dr. Shimek's tests have planted seeds of doubt about salt mixes, but I want, detailed, concrete, repeatable analysis and confirmation before I follow any new idea. I have seen the "bandwagon" in this hobby make too many U-turns for me to be very quick to jump on it.