The truth is hobbyists do impact the reefs. HOWEVER, there are a lot of other factors that impact the reefs as well. The construction industry is one that comes to mind. They harvest and grind up thousands of tons of limestone (Live rock) each year to make cement among other things.
What also needs to be studied more, IMO, is the rate at which the ocean lays down limestone each year. A subpart of this is the honest rate at which reefs expand or shrink each year.
You also need to conduct this study for more than a year. Why? Because there are thousands of factors that can affect the rate reefs grow or shrink (water temp, water quality, el nino, earth's orbit around sun is not perfect, etc.)
Finally, I would like to see some kind of governing body to watch over the collectors. It has been said many times before, but hobbyists know what will live in aquaria. If the message gets passed on to collectors, then less will be collected that will die. I think this could ultimately hold costs down because LFS would have to pay less in shipping (a cost always passed on to consumer) since they don't have to pay shipping costs on junk that will die.
Anyway, lets nominate James W.; Dr. Mac. and Atlantis to head up a lobby group. These gentlemen know a little something about what can be kept in aquaria. Maybe they can knock some sense into those who need to learn what to collect.
What also needs to be studied more, IMO, is the rate at which the ocean lays down limestone each year. A subpart of this is the honest rate at which reefs expand or shrink each year.
You also need to conduct this study for more than a year. Why? Because there are thousands of factors that can affect the rate reefs grow or shrink (water temp, water quality, el nino, earth's orbit around sun is not perfect, etc.)
Finally, I would like to see some kind of governing body to watch over the collectors. It has been said many times before, but hobbyists know what will live in aquaria. If the message gets passed on to collectors, then less will be collected that will die. I think this could ultimately hold costs down because LFS would have to pay less in shipping (a cost always passed on to consumer) since they don't have to pay shipping costs on junk that will die.
Anyway, lets nominate James W.; Dr. Mac. and Atlantis to head up a lobby group. These gentlemen know a little something about what can be kept in aquaria. Maybe they can knock some sense into those who need to learn what to collect.