gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Advanced Reefer
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Howdy again,

Cool skimmer! I have a CS6-3 on my 180g and it kicks butt. Anyway, how do the 400w 20000K bulbs look. I was using 175w coralife 20000K on my 80g, and they were just too dim. I replaced them with 10000K and have never regretted it.

I have heard the 400w version of the bulbs are better, but I can't say for sure. I have found most owener of large tanks (over 200g) use the 400w Iwasaki bulbs. They really light up the tank and make sure any light-loving clams on the substrate get enough light.

Cool setup, keep the updates coming,



Advanced Reefer
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I't all looks pretty nice except for the underwear on the floor


Experienced Reefer
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Really nice. Did you say that this tank will be moved to a store? Please show us what it looks like when it has been set-up where you plan on keeping it!

Desert Fish

New Reefer
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Unfortunately, larger systems - mine is 600gal - don't eliminate temp swings but rather slow them down so that the tank temp will lag behing the air temp by several days to a week. You will still have to heat and cool the tank.


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The heat/cooling is an issue. But I would also be concerned with the detergents/fabric softeners being so close to the tank. It all will add to your airborn pollutants.

Beautiful tank.
Good Luck,


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