I'm sorry, is this the classifieds? Either I got the wrong forum, or this is just a shameless attempt to plug your used pump and try to get a few more bidders for that extra couple of cents....
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by skylsdale:
<STRONG>I'm sorry, is this the classifieds? Either I got the wrong forum, or this is just a shameless attempt to plug your used pump and try to get a few more bidders for that extra couple of cents....
theres nothing more lame than being an internet nazi, did it really ruin your day to read this thread? give me a break. im glad i read it, i got to read your statement about a shameless plug, then the guy basically told you what a goon you are and that he just bought the pump, lol... get a life.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by skylsdale:
<STRONG>Um....there's an entire forum dedicated to selling equipment: this isn't it.
skysdale, read my lips. I'm not SELLING this. I just BOUGHT this from ebay. look at the high bidder rvkjr, look at my name Rob Klein (jr). If you take the time to look at the time I posted this and the time the auction ended you'd see I posted many hours after the end of the auction. Don't be a jerk.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lunchbucket:
<STRONG>i need to search there more but it is tough to get through the bull crap
That the truth Lunchbucket. It's amazing watching people pay retail or mail order prices for used equipment. I was bidding ona year old dynamaster which can be had for $46 new. Sold for $43. I figure this dosing pump sells for about $200+ new.
Skylsdale get a life, Rob provided a service to the whole board by showing a good deal.
Rob sweet deal, I have been spending a good amount of time tracking deals in the scuba section, some items with very little use sell for 20% of retail. Makes you wonder about the mark up.
Going to use it as a doser. Not sure about the 4gph, I'd have to assume that's a maximum which would make it one heck of a doser =). I'm betting they meant to post 4 gallons per day.
Thank you GV....my sentiments exactly. Personally, I dislike sorting through all the crap at Ebay, and this was the first ebay-related post I've seen without someone trying to grab a bigger audience for their item. I didn't check the link because I've been to ebay plenty of times and didn't feel the need to go their again. I assumed any pertinent information to the post would have been written (i.e. I got a great deal on Ebay); I didn't expect a random link being the sole content of the message.
If my ubrupt manner and minor ignorance earned me the title of "internet nazi"...so be it
I couldn't agree more. I just bought a new pump from an online store for 62 bucks, somebody was selling a used one on e-bay (I forget what the original price was) with a high bid of 74 bucks!
Some of these people should really do their homework.
I check ebay for aquarium supply deals every week. I haven't really bought much besides a nice ground probe for $3, a 110 watt PC JBJ lamp, and a few other small things. I have sold a few things also like tests kits that I didn't like (red sea) and chemicals that I decided I didn't really need. Its nice for people like me that are new to SW aquariums and sometimes buy the wrong things to have a place to sell this stuff instead of just throwing it away. I always get good complements when selling stuff and I have never had a major problem with anything I bought on ebay.