I just got a buoyancy compensator, New $525, used six times bought it for $91. It is sitting in my living room and is unflawed, like it has never been worn.
Bought a soft wieght belt.
soft weights new $2.29 per pound, 18 lbs = 41.22.
soft weight belt new = $40
all together paid $20.50
There are great deals to be had for the educated discerning shopper.
I would help if you were in the pet/aquariums category before you did a search. Other wise you never know what you will get back in the search results.
Quit telling everyone how to find the good deals on Ebay. It's bad enough now, imagine how hard it will be to find deals if all the reefers know how to search for stuff
Heck, I only sell stuff on Ebay because I can get close to retail prices for anything. Check out the prices for those zoomed powerheads. You can get one from pet warehouse for less than $20, and they sell for close to $30 on Ebay. What a joke! I guess that would be deal for someone who would have paid over $40 at the LFS.
I bought a CSL 1/3 HP chiller on ebay for $620. The closest I could find at a MO place was $735. The guy was local too, so no shipping.
It is the only thing I ever bought off of ebay....I rarely check, but laugh at most items on there. As stated above...some things sell for more than you can buy them MO. Imagine how foolish someone would feel if they thought they got a deal then they realized they paid more than they could have.....oh well...It is all about perception...if you "think" you got a deal you did.