Hi Folks,
This will be a follow-up to my food and additive study
The goal of this project is to gain an idea of what is in our tanks chemically. I will have samples of tank water analyzed by the same methodology used in the previous study so the data should be comparable. The samples will be analyzed for 31 trace materials, and for the dissolved nutrients analyzed in the first study. Additionally we will also measure ammonia and nitrates.
I will use the data obtained to construct a statistical “marine reef aquarium” and from the data hopefully get some sort of handle on nutrient flow and trace element levels in our systems. Depending on the number of participants, I may be able to subdivide and partition the data to provide information about other specific aspects (dependant on skimming, water changes, feeding regimes, etc.).
There will be a detailed questionnaire that will need to be filled out by each participant.
The procedure will be as follows.
I will need to get a firm commitment from all potential participants.
As soon as there are enough committed participants, I will let them know that the project is proceeding. At that time I will need the money to cover the sample processing costs.
When I have the total list of all people participating, and the funds necessary, I will contact the testing laboratory. They will send me the jars necessary for the participants to use. Each participant will have to fill at least 2 and maybe 3 jars per aquarium. If you have more than one tank you want tested, each aquarium will have to be a separate sample (and separate cost). Each jar will be filled with 500 ml (a bit more than a pint) of tank water (the jars will have chemicals in them to help stabilize the samples). The participants will mail the jars back to me along with the completed questionnaire. I will collect the samples and mail them on to the lab. They will process the samples and return the data to me.
From this each participant will get:
1) Data on the levels of the following materials in their systems: Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iodide, Iron, Lead, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Silicon, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Sulfur, Thallium, Tin, Titanium, Vanadium, Yttrium, Zinc plus Ammonia, Nitrate, Carbohydrates, Protein, Lipids.
As an aside, those of you who do chemical testing might consider this a way to see how good your test kits are...
2) A copy of the final report with my discussion of the contents. I hope to publish the results, probably in either FAMA or TFH. The results, along with other data and analyses will be reported on in MACNA XIV NEXT year in Dallas/Ft. Worth.
I estimate the total cost for each participant will be: $175 per sample; some time spent filling out the questionnaire, and collecting the samples, and the cost of mailing the samples to me.
The final costs will vary depending on the number of participants. I am not in this to make a profit, so any excess money will be divided by the number of participants and returned to each of the participants.
The usefulness of this study will depend on the number of participants. At a cost of $175+, it is possible not enough folks will want to pony up the cash to make it worthwhile. Consequently I need a firm commitment and the money on hand before I will begin.
I believe that 15 samples is the bare minimum; and the more, the merrier. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact me by email at: [email protected]
I will ask those who are interested to spread the word about this on other BB’s.
[ July 28, 2001: Message edited by: rshimek ]
This will be a follow-up to my food and additive study
The goal of this project is to gain an idea of what is in our tanks chemically. I will have samples of tank water analyzed by the same methodology used in the previous study so the data should be comparable. The samples will be analyzed for 31 trace materials, and for the dissolved nutrients analyzed in the first study. Additionally we will also measure ammonia and nitrates.
I will use the data obtained to construct a statistical “marine reef aquarium” and from the data hopefully get some sort of handle on nutrient flow and trace element levels in our systems. Depending on the number of participants, I may be able to subdivide and partition the data to provide information about other specific aspects (dependant on skimming, water changes, feeding regimes, etc.).
There will be a detailed questionnaire that will need to be filled out by each participant.
The procedure will be as follows.
I will need to get a firm commitment from all potential participants.
As soon as there are enough committed participants, I will let them know that the project is proceeding. At that time I will need the money to cover the sample processing costs.
When I have the total list of all people participating, and the funds necessary, I will contact the testing laboratory. They will send me the jars necessary for the participants to use. Each participant will have to fill at least 2 and maybe 3 jars per aquarium. If you have more than one tank you want tested, each aquarium will have to be a separate sample (and separate cost). Each jar will be filled with 500 ml (a bit more than a pint) of tank water (the jars will have chemicals in them to help stabilize the samples). The participants will mail the jars back to me along with the completed questionnaire. I will collect the samples and mail them on to the lab. They will process the samples and return the data to me.
From this each participant will get:
1) Data on the levels of the following materials in their systems: Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iodide, Iron, Lead, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Silicon, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Sulfur, Thallium, Tin, Titanium, Vanadium, Yttrium, Zinc plus Ammonia, Nitrate, Carbohydrates, Protein, Lipids.
As an aside, those of you who do chemical testing might consider this a way to see how good your test kits are...
2) A copy of the final report with my discussion of the contents. I hope to publish the results, probably in either FAMA or TFH. The results, along with other data and analyses will be reported on in MACNA XIV NEXT year in Dallas/Ft. Worth.
I estimate the total cost for each participant will be: $175 per sample; some time spent filling out the questionnaire, and collecting the samples, and the cost of mailing the samples to me.
The final costs will vary depending on the number of participants. I am not in this to make a profit, so any excess money will be divided by the number of participants and returned to each of the participants.
The usefulness of this study will depend on the number of participants. At a cost of $175+, it is possible not enough folks will want to pony up the cash to make it worthwhile. Consequently I need a firm commitment and the money on hand before I will begin.
I believe that 15 samples is the bare minimum; and the more, the merrier. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact me by email at: [email protected]
I will ask those who are interested to spread the word about this on other BB’s.
[ July 28, 2001: Message edited by: rshimek ]