Any new advice or ideas would be much appreciated. Since starting a 120-gallon reef tank 4 months ago, I have had very bad 'luck' with fish. I have added 37 fish, of which only 18 still live. These are mostly small fish added slowly - the tank never could be called overstocked. Ironically, the only fish I have had real success with are Anthias (8 or 9 of the 10 I tried) - most of the dead species are far hardier. In contrast, I have lost only 1 of 24 corals.
Just this weekend, 2 large healthy tangs (Regal and Clown), after 1 week in my tank, simply disappeared. Both just started eating flake, appeared healthy and were adapting well to their new home right up until they vanished. Several other healthy fish have died/disappeared at times.
Most of my fish deaths I attributed to aggression, and in many cases this was obvious. I blamed aggression for ALL my dead fish until about 2 weeks ago. The tangs were by far the largest and most aggressive fish present, so they died for another reason.
The only major water parameter off target is calcium (200-250), even though I add about 1 gallon of kalkwasser / day. I have good coral and coralline growth, which is probably sucking it up faster than I douse. Ammonia/Nitrate/Nitrate ~0, PH swings from 7.8 to 8.2. All of my corals are fully expanded and doing well (exception: 3 new acro frags bleached, will probably recover).
I can eliminate: Jumping, being sucked into pumps, being eaten, major water parameters and starvation - from almost ever death. Being sudden, and not affecting other fish, I can eliminate most parasites, diseases, and toxins. My LFS is also very picky about suppliers, and several of the fish were at the LFS over a week before.
Do you know of anything that could immediately kill healthy looking fish, while letting my corals expand and grow so well, without affecting major water parameters, and not affecting the rest of my fish the slightest? Everyone advised me to keep fish only first, since they are so much easier. Maybe I should do corals only first, since they are so much easier.
Just this weekend, 2 large healthy tangs (Regal and Clown), after 1 week in my tank, simply disappeared. Both just started eating flake, appeared healthy and were adapting well to their new home right up until they vanished. Several other healthy fish have died/disappeared at times.
Most of my fish deaths I attributed to aggression, and in many cases this was obvious. I blamed aggression for ALL my dead fish until about 2 weeks ago. The tangs were by far the largest and most aggressive fish present, so they died for another reason.
The only major water parameter off target is calcium (200-250), even though I add about 1 gallon of kalkwasser / day. I have good coral and coralline growth, which is probably sucking it up faster than I douse. Ammonia/Nitrate/Nitrate ~0, PH swings from 7.8 to 8.2. All of my corals are fully expanded and doing well (exception: 3 new acro frags bleached, will probably recover).
I can eliminate: Jumping, being sucked into pumps, being eaten, major water parameters and starvation - from almost ever death. Being sudden, and not affecting other fish, I can eliminate most parasites, diseases, and toxins. My LFS is also very picky about suppliers, and several of the fish were at the LFS over a week before.
Do you know of anything that could immediately kill healthy looking fish, while letting my corals expand and grow so well, without affecting major water parameters, and not affecting the rest of my fish the slightest? Everyone advised me to keep fish only first, since they are so much easier. Maybe I should do corals only first, since they are so much easier.