As you won't be reading this, I guess I will flame away this time, and others who have seen the light will understand.
I am outraged.
The problem is you don't want to listen. I tried to be gentle but firm before, as others have...but now in rereading your fist post you want "new" advice which seems to me that people have told you what we have said before, and you refuse to listen.
Take a look at the post by 67stang below- called "New reef tank, fish or corals first?" 67stang has a 200 g tank that he let mature
for 5 months and only now is he asking about ***HARDY*** specimens of corals and fish to begin with.
His list is excellent...he has done his homework and has that patience to succeed. jdeets in this thread also will do well.
If we haven't addressed your questions, well, you can't get more indirect than why are you looking for other indirect sources to help you? By indirect, do you want something that doesn't point the finger directly at you? Your problem is that you are not facing the obvious facts, and refusing to answer questions that we have asked to try and help. It is called trouble shooting, and now I am **certain** of what the problem is.
What standard are you considering when rating stocking of the tank? Ammonia and Nitrite should not be "~0" (which I assume is approximately 0) in a tank with plenty of biological filtration.
Your animals will continue to die. You see no signs of why the animals are dying....haven't you ever heard stress is the 'silent' killer? Absolutely irresponsible. Your LFS will love you as their best customer, because you will always have room for more fish. And they will have a bridge to sell soon too....when you walk in it will make their day!
Your tank is most likely OVERSTOCKED right now. It has likely reached its maximum carrying capacity for its age. In addition you are not feeding your fish properly. I hope that you take some SMALL bit of advice from any message in this thread. You will benefit from it.
I pray for the animals in your tank, and the poor one's you will try to shoehorn in there in the future.
Now I understand why so many of the experienced reefers leave these boards. It is so tempting because this sort of story is so very frustrating. These poor fish have to suffer with the same mistakes made over and over year after year, and especially from gross irresponsibility.
Time to go calm down (in front of my tank, or would that make me think of this??). Sorry for the anger expressed in this message, but it is truly sad. 30 fish, dead!!! And more to come!!!
[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: ophiuroid ]
[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: ophiuroid ]