I have a reef tank (mostly sps) AND a FOWLR tank. The FOWLR tank is home to morays (white mouth, zebra, dragon), triggers (niger, fuscus), a puffer (dog-face), and a large anularis angle. I will also be adding a piccaso trigger and a spiny box in a few months when I take down another tank of mine. This tank is set up like a reef tank with lots of live rock, a DSB, a calcium reactor, and moderate MH lighting (175watt 10,000K's).
I am determined to add corals to my FOWLR tank, and I am willing to risk a few corals to see what these preditors will not eat. So far, I have had luck with yellow polyps, green star polyps, and brown button polyps. Today, I added a leather coral that so far has only been nipped a few times by the fuscus trigger and once by the puffer.
Has anybody else had any luck with keeping corals with these types of fish?? If so, what types?
[ January 10, 2002: Message edited by: M.E.Milz ]
[ March 27, 2002: Message edited by: M.E.Milz ]</p>
I am determined to add corals to my FOWLR tank, and I am willing to risk a few corals to see what these preditors will not eat. So far, I have had luck with yellow polyps, green star polyps, and brown button polyps. Today, I added a leather coral that so far has only been nipped a few times by the fuscus trigger and once by the puffer.
Has anybody else had any luck with keeping corals with these types of fish?? If so, what types?
[ January 10, 2002: Message edited by: M.E.Milz ]
[ March 27, 2002: Message edited by: M.E.Milz ]</p>