<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 6_line:
<STRONG>Let's offer some encouragement or advise (or maybe just silence) instead of continuously hammering the same responses to these people.</STRONG>
Personally I try to be as nice about it as I can. I happen to feel strongly on the size of tank issue and as I mentioned in a post above hopefully someone will read these threads and not put a tang in a 40 or a 55.
<STRONG>Face it, there are many, many more silent people who have Tangs in smaller that what you would recommend tanks and they just don't post or respond because of the quick flames/responses for someone not living up to these anti-Tang advocates. Also,deal with the fact that Tangs are an ubiquitous fixture in our reef tanks and they aren't going away anytime soon. They fill every LFS and are as common as Clownfish in marine aquaria. So, in a word, Lighten up.....</STRONG>
That does not make it right. Education is the key. I don't agree with flaming and try not to do it that way but it is a serious issue and needs to be addressed.
<STRONG>I don't recommend a Tang in a 40 or anything smaller, so don't assume I do. But i feel one would do well in a 75 or larger (certain species, mind you), as recommended by the experts (I.e. Scott Micheal, the only real fish expert around, IMO).
I don't quite understand your post in its entirety. You exaggerate earlier in your post to make your point. Then come back with the fact that you agree with what people have been saying throughout the thread. Scott Michael's books are fantastic and I urge you to have a look at his minimum tank requirements for tangs. As for him being the only expert around I don't agree, there are lots of guys around these boards that have enough experience to warrant our respect on this subject. HFF, Henry, BrianD, Exodus, Horge, Ron etc.