I agree with Mr Premnas, although he may have been a little crass. I made mistakes in my early years as well. Ones that would have made everyone shriek in horror. I believe the point Premnas was trying to convey was that many people have tried to mix clownfish species in a tank, and it usually doesn't work. It may on some ocassions, but for the most part it won't.
A quick investigation on the natural history of maroon clowns in captivity could have avoided this scenario. Then again, people have a tendency to read information and think it applies to everyone, but them. The "I can make it work" philosiphy is quite prevalent in this hobby.
So Liu, I'm sorry it didn't work out, and you are lucky that nothing was killed. But at the same time your post did have the potential to cause aggravation, because the aggresiveness of marron clowns is a well known fact.