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geez,sorry were all not as reef literate as mr tighta$$. ive made a ton of mistakes a lot of them a lot grosser than yours lio.gonioporra for instance.glad your taking him need to flame someone for making a mistake and admitting it! and we need a sence of humor in this hobby anyway.lots of funny things happen.i wish i had a video for some of my moronic endevors on my tank.

Mr Premnas

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The name calling hurts!
I am not saying that I have never made a mistake - I just don't find what was so humorous about the "life lesson". Reef literacy is a responsibility if one wants to keep these creatures. Or maybe we should all just encourage whatever bozo off the street to head over to Petco and spend $300 on a new SW tank, and watch as they end up killing 50 fish over the next year just because they were too lazy to spend 5 minutes of their time to research the needs.
Oh I forget, they are just fish!


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well, seeing as i only have 5 original fish in there and they've all been quite healthy for a long time, i guess i need to kill 45 more to qualify for the mouthbreather award.

pardon me, as i am not worthy in thine elistist eyes. ;P~

[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: Liu01GT ]


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I think it is cool to post your mistakes. We all have made them, and we will all continue to make them, regardless of how much reading or thinking we do. It happens. By sharing mistakes we all get a reminder to be more careful.



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Mr Prem, i think you were the one who perceived this thread as humour, i treat it as a it was adequately titled.


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I dont see this post as someone making a mistake, I see it as your average hobbiest who still has not done enough research before purchasing a fish. I also got the impression that this poster thought this was funny (maybe starting with LOL gave it away).
If we are going to continue to purchase live stock without doing research and then chalk it up to a mistake, then what is the need for these boards?


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hmm, how many posts can one make before he can actually have the right to flame someone?? Under 50 ....nah

Coming to this forum has been a great experience for me. Everyone makes mistakes in one form or another and it is pitiful to scold someone for his/her honesty.

Mr Premnas, maybe change your nick to Mr Primness

Main Entry: 2prim
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): prim·mer; prim·mest
Date: 1709
1 a : stiffly formal and proper : DECOROUS b : PRUDISH

and Liu...nice one should pick up a copy of "Clownfishes" by Joyce D. Wilkerson

[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: ScavDog ]

Mr Premnas

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I don't understand the relevance of number of posts. If Joyce Wilkerson posted 1 thread on this board I would find it 1,000 times more valuable than any one of your mighty 166.


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Liu01GT - don't feel bad. I've got a story for you that mr. premnas might like. i have a marroon clown and a pair of percs in my tank - and they get along fine (w/ 2 different anenomes) - so it is possible and no amount of "research" would have told you that. sorry about your mishap - and good luck. i hope we all aim higher with our reply's - this is a productive environment filled with people who love this hobby (or we wouldn't be here spending this kind of money and time). there's no room for flaming someone for not doing the proper reading etc. - hell - there's an impossible amount to do!


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ps - mr premnas - where can some bozo get a SW tank for 300? i've dumped 10 times that into my 75 gal reef...


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lol, call me a dufus.

i added a moderately sized maroon goldstripe clownfish to my current pair of common clownfish (it's about the same size as the female). she immediately latched onto the other female and wouldn't let go. after much screaming, i finally pried them apart.

i tried putting the two maroons together, and she started biting the smaller one as well. i gave up. i think this one will have to be returned. ;(

the smaller maroon clownfish (about the size of the male common clownfish) swam in and, without any problems from the commons, made a beeline for the bubbletip anenome. now he won't leave it.

Mr Premnas

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Why do you start your thread lol? I do not see anything funny about your thread. If you would have taken more than 2 seconds to read about marroons you would have known this would happen. Of course the male is going to go straight to the BTA he is probably stressed and scared to death.

Don't post future threads about how you think it is funny that your clowns were fighting.

Mr Premnas

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If my remark hurt your feelings, i do apologize.
If I misinterpreted your post, I also apologize.
I suppose that everyone one would not have been up in arms if my post would have been worded to say...I am sorry to hear that two pair of clowns did not work out for you. I know from what I have seen here on the board that they seldom if ever do-especially with marroons. As a suggestion before buying a new fish or a pair, see what has happened to other reefers here on this board.
Hopefully everyone is now happy and you can all LET THIS DROP.
My intent was not to start a flame war just to make sure that we do our part.
Reefmack--It is easy to spend only $300 for a SW tank at Petco. Just go pick up a 20 gallon tank, set it on a milk crate, throw in a yellow tangs a lion fish, 2 mandarin, and the famous Petco mushroom rock and you are all set. Just like their display tanks.


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Hey Mr Premnass why don't you find a different board to post on...most of us are still learning the hobby, you apparently have mastered it. So being you should be in the islands helping the experts ensure the future of the reefs!


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agree with reefmac. where on this board does it say "for professional reefkeepers only"? where has everyone's manners gone? just because we are not communicating face to face doesn't give us the right to be d#%k heads to each other! please guys, we are all in this hobby together. we are here to help each other out, right?


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I agree with Mr Premnas, although he may have been a little crass. I made mistakes in my early years as well. Ones that would have made everyone shriek in horror. I believe the point Premnas was trying to convey was that many people have tried to mix clownfish species in a tank, and it usually doesn't work. It may on some ocassions, but for the most part it won't.

A quick investigation on the natural history of maroon clowns in captivity could have avoided this scenario. Then again, people have a tendency to read information and think it applies to everyone, but them. The "I can make it work" philosiphy is quite prevalent in this hobby.

So Liu, I'm sorry it didn't work out, and you are lucky that nothing was killed. But at the same time your post did have the potential to cause aggravation, because the aggresiveness of marron clowns is a well known fact.



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I currently work in an LFS, and all too often i get people coming into the shop expecting me to guide them through purchasing, setting up, maintaining and problem solving a reef tank. Many of these people have never kept fish before. It sickens me to think that someone is willing to spend $£$£$ on equipment, but turns there nose up at a book which invariably will save them a huge ammount of time, money and teeny tiny lifes. Would these same people attempt to service their car or set up their VCR without reading the manual. Who's to say, chances are they probably would browse through it after a few faild attempts. But for some reason these people still refuse to learn about the fish they are taking on responsibility of, even when things do fail. Oh whats another fish, half the price of a book it seems! Im not saying that everyone should be an expert, but i certainly do think that someone attempting to recreate one of the most diverse biotopes known to man should do at least a minimal ammount of research into animal husbandry. But in this instance the keepers research didn't even extend as far as the fish they wished to keep. Now im sorry i dont care who you are but thats ****ing lame. The marroon Clownfish is the most aggressive out of all the clown fish, and in this instance you could not have introduced a worse combination if you had tryed. Two minuits of your time to look at the species description could have avoided this whole thing. All too often people expect to become Reefers through osmosis. Its much harder than that, these methods have been tried and tested for generations. So many fish have allready suffered to give us the information we have available to us today. Do people consult that information, no. They would rather repeat every mistake that has been made before, and im telling you there are far too many of them. If you want to keep a reef tank then you have to know what your trying to achive. You dont think that the pictures of reef tanks belonging to people on this board happend by chance. They are the result of dedication, maticulous maintanance and excellent husbandry. But oh i forgot your special, for you it will just fall into place and flourish...... dont make me laugh!

Here endeth todays lesson!

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