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This is what ruins the hobby for me. I am sick and tired of reading these threads. If you dont want to pay the price dont pay it. If you do good for you. But get a life and stop whining and mind your own business and buy the corals you want to buy to make your tank look as nice as possible.

Personally, i like hAving pieces others dont. So i will pay the price for $250 per polyp or inch of sps to make my tank very different than everyone elses. But, i will not pay $80 for a candy apple red that is listed on jfox site. However, there is different strands of candy apple red which are much nicer and i would pay the extra cash to get the nicer strand.

**not to anyone specific, just saying in general**
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Advanced Reefer
Westbury NY
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He is a mechanic from Baltimore. I think you guys are focusing on his very high end stuff too much. Like I said I got his crazy lady's. 2p for $60 a little pricey but no where in the land of outrageous. I have spent more than $30 a polyp on stuff from here. I bought another frag from him also 10+p for $60. $6 a polyp isn't outrageous. He has a bunch of chalices under $100 and he doesn't cut minute frags that don't make it. A vast majority of his chalices are under $200 which isn't bad when i see him at a swap 1 or two times a year (I don't pay shipping if I can avoid it) He has a few expensive pieces. One of my favorite is the crazy fox. I waited and people bought it and grew it out now you can get it for $150. That's worth it to me. To me you picked the wrong vendor. His stuff is quality and he takes care of them. Some other vendors charge outrageous amounts for extremely small frags that die half the time. You want to say they are not worth it I will agree. You get what you pay for in life. Not always but most times.


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i have bought 2 frags from jason fox. A rogue Mille and a Pearlberry. The mille grew in a matter of 2 months from 1 stem to 5 stems but then the redbugs destroyed it. the pearlberry is still kicking encrusted and has grown an inch since NERAC. His corals grow the fastest in my tank and he is one of the nicest guys around. I would pay double of what i normally spend on a frag for his frags. And i only spend 40 a frag and under but would def go 80 a frag for his stuff.


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Its all just a designer craze. Its like saying i have a 250,000 ferrari and yea your 100,000 vette is faster, i still have a ferrari. I have corals from jfox and no name corals side by side and most of them look identical. I should rephrase that chalices only not any of his other stuff. And i have a tyree watermelon and a jfox melon and i have no clue which is which. They look like they were cut from the same colony.

Dr. Mac

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If the question is who is Jason Fox, yes he is an auto mechanic by trade-- and a darn good and honest one too, but is a really nice guy and a very passionate reef hobbyists- by very passionate I mean he is a fanatical collector. Jason has been a friend and customer of mine for over 10 years, here is a video I did of his collection: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubv1rsw2axM&feature=plcp

As far as prices, well, someone in this thread mentioned Crazy Ladies Palys, at the same MR swap this past week I was selling the same paly with 2-4 polyps for $15. I mention this in no way to bash anyone, it is that Jason Fox is a brand at this point. He is someone that is an extreme collector, he has the most amazing collection of designer corals in the world, Jason will pay anything for a coral he really wants and if you were to go to his place you would walk out drooling because he has thousands of just jaw dropping pieces, but he also have a ton of money invested in his collection and at this point he is recouping on some of that investment and there is nothing wrong with that in any way whatsoever! Everyone can see his corals, ask the price and decide if they want to pay that, just as they do for me or any other vendor. Personally, I have never really been into the designer name game much, Tyree or any other for that matter, if I like something then I like it regardless of who named it. A lot of the name game is like a pyramid scheme, after the original person places the name and a high price there will always be a few folks that think they can get a frag and grow it out and frag it and make a killing unfortunately by the time they do that then the market has already become saturated and the bottom has fallen out. So, in my opinion buy something based on if you like it and not on the person who named it. It always makes me laugh when folks come up to me at a swap and say "I really like that coral, what is THE name", and if I don't come up with a cute name they will not buy it even though they like it and this happens all the time. Having said this, again I will say that Jason fox has the best collection of corals I have ever seen and I have been in the hobby for over 40 years. Jason is a collector and does not do this full time, he sells some frags to help with the costs of running his tanks.
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Bay Ridge, BK
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Crazy Ladies Palys, at the same MR swap this past week I was selling the same paly with 2-4 polyps for $15.



Advanced Reefer
Rockland County
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If the question is who is Jason Fox, yes he is an auto mechanic by trade-- and a darn good and honest one too, but is a really nice guy and a very passionate reef hobbyists- by very passionate I mean he is a fanatical collector. Jason has been a friend and customer of mine for over 10 years, here is a video I did of his collection: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubv1rsw2axM&feature=plcp

As far as prices, well, someone in this thread mentioned Crazy Ladies Palys, at the same MR swap this past week I was selling the same paly with 2-4 polyps for $15. I mention this in no way to bash anyone, it is that Jason Fox is a brand at this point. He is someone that is an extreme collector, he has the most amazing collection of designer corals in the world, Jason will pay anything for a coral he really wants and if you were to go to his place you would walk out drooling because he has thousands of just jaw dropping pieces, but he also have a ton of money invested in his collection and at this point he is recouping on some of that investment and there is nothing wrong with that in any way whatsoever! Everyone can see his corals, ask the price and decide if they want to pay that, just as they do for me or any other vendor. Personally, I have never really been into the designer name game much, Tyree or any other for that matter, if I like something then I like it regardless of who named it. A lot of the name game is like a pyramid scheme, after the original person places the name and a high price there will always be a few folks that think they can get a frag and grow it out and frag it and make a killing unfortunately by the time they do that then the market has already become saturated and the bottom has fallen out. So, in my opinion buy something based on if you like it and not on the person who named it. It always makes me laugh when folks come up to me at a swap and say "I really like that coral, what is THE name", and if I don't come up with a cute name they will not buy it even though they like it and this happens all the time. Having said this, again I will say that Jason fox has the best collection of corals I have ever seen and I have been in the hobby for over 40 years. Jason is a collector and does not do this full time, he sells some frags to help with the costs of running his tanks.

+1 I love the name you put on your corals especially the Dr Macs under $15 :fish:lol I have bought 2 big shipments from you and the acros are insane. In this hobby just like every hobby there is that one or two special thing that you just have to have and jason fox is that in this hobby.

Dr. Mac

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James, that is a hilarious photo. But, please don't take it that I was calling out anyone in what I posted. I think Jason is a great guy and great for the hobby, he keeps a lot of folks excited about the hobby and their tanks and if it makes someone happy with saying they have some of his corals in their tank then that is great for them. It is funny though how folks will ask the NAME of a coral before they buy it, it happened at this last MR swap and the question even came from some folks that prefaced it by saying they hate the designer names on corals, but "by the way what IS the NAME of that frag".


Bay Ridge, BK
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Not at all Dr. Mac, I understand your point. When I got back into the hobby after a long hiatus, the prices and the LE names really rubbed me the wrong way, my thinking on this has evolved over the last few years. I still don't like it but I understand it and think it keeps a lot of people interested in the hobby, which is a good thing.


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new jersey
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Jason comes out with some really amazing pieces. If you see them in person I'm positive any one will agree. Very bright and unique but his prices are very high, just like many vendors on here. I've seen one such piece on your website DMac which you released (named santa fe or split decisions I believe) and an amazing chalice, I must add. Just like any piece that first comes out, there are a few collectors out there that have to own it and will pay top price for a piece of it. I'm not one of them (I simply can't afford it ). What I do is buy a piece with a friend or two and grow them out. After a few months I cut the piece in half or a third and we each have a piece. After a couple of more months I cut it once again and sell for half of what I originally spent to recoup some money. Eventually the price goes down and others can share. I don't like the high prices either but if I really like the piece, I find a way to get it and several of his are definitely worth it. I just really hate any kind of bashing in this hobby, there really is no need for it. I've heard he flies out to different places to collect these pieces and offer them to the public so I'm guessing he spends a lot to aquire them from private collections and wholesalers. High priced, yes but with a friend or two anyone can afford them, even me :)
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Aquarium Village
Copiague, NY
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bottom line is he cherry picks awesome corals and than offers them for sale to the public, it's a commodity that you pay for folks, he takes the leg work out of finding the gems. The pieces that he comes across are amazing and he probably has to sift through tons of corals just to find a select few.

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