I think that it?s really not that big of a deal if you got a fish from Petco. If anybody tells you they never have then there either BSing or are allowing themselves to suffer from fish snobbery. I can tell you I have had a recent conversation, in person, with some EXTREMELY well respected members on here and they from time to time get a fish from Petco. The things people are saying are correct their fish are not kept particularly well, and certainly not in the best conditions. Personally would not make a habit of it because you never know where they come from and how they were caught. But once in a while for a great deal with a fish that looks great then why not. Besides our eyes are the only real tool we have to judge the condition of the live stock we buy. As far as ick I put fish in my tanks all the time and never QT them, you can dip them if necessary. I almost never even see a spot of ick in my tank, I don't do anything special accept keep it healthy, also I think fish in a reef tank tend to not get ick as much (I wish I had some smart scientific reason why but I don't just my experience with my tank's) My last point is when you find a Local Fish store that you trust and have experience with then I recommend sticking with them (or a few of them), once a LFS knows you, your tank, and your husbandry techniques they can help steer you in the direction that leads to the most success and the best life for the fish and coral we keep.