miss them ? no, i did not miss them-but you asked:
they also happen to be among the most irrelevant of the data presented
far more relevant would be how many fish they've treated,what was observed vis-a-vis its relation to the lateral line,
when the progression stopped (THAT is the 'cure moment') -and ALL environemntal parameters prior to, during, and after the c'ure', from temp onwards...least important and completely irrelevant is how many years they've been involved w/an organization, or what the name of the org is, imo
'public aquarist' could, for all i know, and as presented, mean some noob w/a one month old bs in marine bio who's been employed there for 6 months, and never had a tank of his own, or even saw a blochi, or palani (sp?) tang-maybe someone who never even saw a live fish w/hlle before?
i'm not saying such is indeed the case, mind you-but it's more than plausible, and until known to be otherwise,again, that data is irrelevant
it could be 'joe blow's basement garage fly by night imperator imports' for all i care-their fish guy could be a whiz bang genius self taught piscatorial guru w/a full lab in his basement, who's reversed 'hlle' in 10,000 angels
so who's title/place of employ is more important/relvant/qualifying now ? :idea:
i've seen enough public aquaria, and know how they run, to a limited extent where some get some/part of their livestock from, to know better than to automatically assume that the job, or position by itself accredits competence or experience/expertise in any knowledge of "hlle" (pick a disease it doesn't really matter which)
public aquaria represent a teency weency part of the landed fish population into the u.s., and i'm sure there are far more hobbyists w/ 'hlle' experience than there are public aquarists, simply due to sheer numbers
public aquaria aren't the lofty abode of fish genius heaven, and working there doesn't make anyone a fish god who should be assumed to know something or have good data simply because of the title 'public aquarist' on a survey :idea:
the same is true, of course, for importer/whiolesalers, and the MO 'industry'
so big effin tickle, some respondents are public aquarists-that by itself doesn't impress me one little bit, as relates to a survey on hlle
it's kinda like seeing someone throw around how they worked at a public aquarium to indicate they actually know the subject matter at hand while mis-identifying diseases on photos sent to them in emails, then further directing others to a website FULL of similiar 'diagnoses', from an entire staff, no less, along with a plethora of erroneous info across the board for many species of both sw and fw fish-just because it happens to belong to a great guy doesn't make all the mateial on the site great
not very impressing, either
just because they worked at an aquarium and post on a website doesn't (obviously) mean they know anything, and has NO bearing on their level of knowledge, actual or imagined, on a particular subject of fishkeeping, whatever it may be-doing so with misinformation is, well, just plain sad to see
again - name, title are good for writing on a piece of paper-for data to be relevant, the person themselves doesn't matter, their REAL experience/qualifications, data collection/analysis skills do :idea:
name dropping and title dropping serve one goal, imo - to impress, in order to help one feel less insecure, or to present a more 'secure' facade-i've always found it to be mildly distasteful, at best
there are, to be sure, some 'gem quality' exceptions, and knowledgable folk peppered in the group, to be sure-but as a title/qualification ? the last person i would pick out of a pile of apps/resumes, for MY job, or as an assistant, would be anyone who has a degree, or who's had 'public aquarium' experience-they don't necessarily mean squat to the skill set called 'husbandry'-and THAT has no relevance to the survey either
i worked in a commercial apple orchard for about 3-4 yrs. one of the 'older-timers' was this cat by the name of 'avramiko' (iirc)
i was sent to work with/for him one day, to get a 'surface' education' on a type of borer worm-the worm burrows down through the trunk of the tree, slowly killing it-they can be davastating to an orchard if unchecked..you'd try and find the entry hole of the worm, and then you'd have to poke a metal 'probe to grab the worm and hook it out-but you needed to get the whole worm out, so one would have to snake in the probe and 'feel' for the worm
this guy could walk up to a tree, tap it for mebbe 15 seconds, and know where all the worms were 8O
he didn't get to that level because his name was avramiko, or because he happened to work at 'x's orchards'-he had no degree, no title
he was a professional in the 'pure' sense of the word-not meaning being paid for what he did-but for having a cetain 'attitude' about what he did- and he did it with interest for many years
none of the above is about how i compare anyone in the survey's knowledge level/skill set to mine, or what i think they know compared to me-nor is this little tirade any attempt to claim that i'm expert at anything-i only know enough to now see just how little i know, and how little i knew when i thought i knew something, heh, when it come to the world of fishkeeping
my apologies to the 'good folks' who ARE experts in their repctive fields in the public aquaria domain -if half of the public aquaria, or zoos, for that matter, had quality folks like that-the world of animals, aquatic and non, would be a much different and better place.
i hope it's clear that this is all about surveys/extrapolation/conclusion, and how they relate to data,and what, in my opinion, makes the data valid in order to obtain a meaningful conclusion to begin with.
what's lacking in the survey itself is what's most important, and there's 'fluff' data thrown in that has absolutely NO relevance to an 'hlle' investigation/survey/data presentation
an 8 yr old kid could be one of the respondents for all i care-their data/logs/records/photos-if properly and thoroughly performed/done/collected, are NO less valid for the study than anyone elses simply because they mention that they happen to work at a public aquarium (whether part of the survey or not)
it's all about the data-properly collected data leaves very little room for argument or wastefull misdirection
it's my opinion
call me 'old school'
![Stick out tongue :P :P]()