Interesting stuff!
jhemdal":197h94oj said:O.K. seamaiden, you asked for it!
Yep! I have some ideas as to why we can reverse the lesions when we move fish back and forth. Take a deep breath and get ready for a long read:
The only thing I've been able to demonstrate for certain as a causative agent has been activated carbon, but there are probably other abiotic factors. Although I do not believe it to be the case, I still need to rule out that the carbon isn't removing some essential compound. I still feel that the carbon connection is through some issue with the dust. I have two definitive cases in my records: one was moving a fish in and out of a tank filtered with carbon caused the HLLE to come and go. I did this multiple times. In another case, the fish stayed in the tank and I added carbon filtration, then the HLLE began. When I removed the carbon (and changed the water and the substrate) the HLLE went away. Combine this with a multitude of records I have where tanks exposed to carbon had a history of HLLE and those that never saw carbon did not. We had one 900 gallon tank that was a "HLLE factory", when we tore it down, replaced the substrate and stopped using carbon, the problem never returned. My favorite case was where we had a 500 gallon display that never had HLLE, and suddenly it developed with nothing changed. I told my staff, oh crud, that sure blows a huge hole in my idea. Sheepishly, one of the aquarists tells me, uhh - the tank was a little yellowish, so I added a bag of carbon to the filter a few weeks ago (grin).
I have on case in my records from another aquarium - they filled one of their rapid sand filters with carbon (not a good idea). The carbon basically got blasted into dust and pumped out into a huge exhibit. The fish in this system actually died from the HLLE, it was so severe. However, all the sharks and other fish that don't develop HLLE survived. I don't think I can use that case in my study because they really don't want to have their error published in a report. There are two other public aquariums who have seen this carbon connection and proved it to their own satisfaction. There are many more aquariums who suspect it, but haven't seen proof in their own tanks (yet). There are some public aquariums that don't routinely see HLLE, but they have flow-through systems (Like Monterey). That doesn't prove the carbon connection, but it doesn't disprove it either.
So why public aquariums and carbon and not so much carbon and home aquarists? I have a strong hunch it has to do with the type and grade of carbon used. I always bought the cheap dusty stuff, many other aquariums do also, Hobbyists tend to by smaller amounts, of higher grade. I've never had pelleted carbon cause this problem. One additional point - foam fractionators remove POC, carbon dust is the epitomy of POC, I still can use carbon in my reef systems with impunity.
Simply removing carbon from an affected tank will not resolve the problems, the dust is in the gravel, or in the sump. In some cases, the HLLE scarring has been in place for so long, the lesions never resolve no matter what is done to the fish (not including Regranex - I can't comment on that because I've not used it)
We know now that it ISN'T a disease caused by other organisms, and IMO, while a better diet can improve or even eliminate the symptoms, I have not seen proof that a moderately poor diet can actually cause it. A horribly defficient diet can, but then the mechanism could be different, such as collegen break-down or some such.
One problem I have is why carbon dust and not other dusts such as DE powder or the stuff that comes off crushed coral gravel? I also do not rule out other causes, but I do not believe in the "general stress" idea. Nobody has measured stress hormones in these fish to even know if they are being stressed - they just assume that captive fish must be stressed. For over 20 years, I have been collecting fish respiration rates as a relative means to determine their stress levels (we know stressed fish breath more rapidly). I won't go into all the details here, but I closed the study out when time after time, as I collected data from fish in the wild, their respiration rates were always higher than in captive fish (and yes, I took into account water temperature, fish size and species differences). So - if wild fish are more physically stressed by that measure, why no HLLE there? (Except one photo I've seen of a black longnose tang with it in the wild).
When I removed the carbon (and changed the water and the substrate) the HLLE went away.
The fish in this system actually died from the HLLE, it was so severe. However, all the sharks and other fish that don't develop HLLE survived.
vitz":20ctsfgv said:how many thousands of flames were exposed to carbon dust w/proper control groups, under identically parametered systems, to establish that carbon dust is a definite, PROVEN cause of 'hlle' ?
Matt_":3b7qaf60 said:vitz":3b7qaf60 said:how many thousands of flames were exposed to carbon dust w/proper control groups, under identically parametered systems, to establish that carbon dust is a definite, PROVEN cause of 'hlle' ?
Everybody who wants to contribute the money to fund this massive (and impossible) undertaking, raise your hand!
vitz":1qyjt2a8 said:how much data/number of individuals/occurences are necessary to 'prove' a definite cause and effect relationship ?
how do YOU, Matt, explain the exposure of many flames to carbon dust that I'VE witnessed that never came down with any of the SYMPTOMS known as 'hlle' ?
:?:seamaiden":7x0doqrv said:This leads me to some more questions, first being probably most obvious, <what> are the different sources or methods for making carbon, and what role might those methods or materials make? DE, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't have as much of "The Hand of Man" in its make-up as something such as carbon. Perhaps that's part of the issue. Remember, carbonized (burned) foods have been linked to some cancers, perhaps it's an issue of the chemistry that occurs with such processes. <shrug>
jhemdal":ed8uoxfu said: