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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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well i left the house for a couple of hours and the two spot was riped up again. i think i have two options:

1- sell the goldrim and keep the two spot

2- get a third, larger tang so the goldrim knows who's boss and introduce the two spot and the other tang @ the same time. (highly unlikely as i don't want three tangs, not even two in a 120g)

Sorry to hear that, but thats the problem with the tangs. No matter what you do it is always a luck of the draw. Beautiful fish, but a pain in the a.
pt is purple tang. I have two of them. My own which I rescued from petworks, and my girlfriend's which she left me.

The aquascaping doesn't really work either, I've done that with both my african cichlids as well as with my fowlr. If you go with option 1, keep me in mind. And by the way if you ever want to get rid of the green leather let me know.:sgrin:


How many is too many?
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I have a bunch of tangs in my 120. What seems to work well for me is because i have so many any aggression is usually limited from one end of the tank to another. My latest additions were a Purple and a Powder Brown. The Powder Brown had no issues but my Scopas has issues with the Purple. This is going to sound nuts but after 2 days of the Scopas picking on the Purple i sat there for 30 to 45 minutes chasing the Scopas away with my feeding prongs. He wont even look at the Purple now. Its been 3 weeks.
My tang collection consists of 1 each of the following
Power Brown
Orange Shoulder

Good luck!


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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sadly the two spot tang did not survive the second a$$ whoopin' it got.

i will remove the goldrim if possible and search for another two spot.

Sorry to hear Scarf.:sad2: I wish you the best of luck next time. I'm still trying to get my little bad one out as well. But something tells me one of the other tangs will just take its place.


Advanced Reefer
San Juan, PR
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I have a bunch of tangs in my 120. What seems to work well for me is because i have so many any aggression is usually limited from one end of the tank to another. My latest additions were a Purple and a Powder Brown. The Powder Brown had no issues but my Scopas has issues with the Purple. This is going to sound nuts but after 2 days of the Scopas picking on the Purple i sat there for 30 to 45 minutes chasing the Scopas away with my feeding prongs. He wont even look at the Purple now. Its been 3 weeks.
My tang collection consists of 1 each of the following
Power Brown
Orange Shoulder

Good luck!

i feel bad putting one tang in my 120 and you have 10:bigeyes:

it seems as if my luck is getting even worse. just turned on the lights and the goldrim looks like it's gonna die. overnight something happened. you can see his spine and his stomach is all sunken in. i think qt will stress him even more. his eyes have this opaque look and seems to be covered in this whitish stuff:confused:

i hate to admit it but 4 tangs bought 4 tangs dead! it just reassures me that tangs are not the fish fo me


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Jon, didn't read thru the thread but if you can catch the goldrim, then place the kole in the tank for about a month then reintroduce the goldrim.

I had to do this with my powderblue when i got a redsea sailfin.

Good luck.


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Sorry for your loss. I have a PBT,Yellow,Hippo,2 purples,Naso,sailfin and everytime I add a new tang they beat him for 24 hours and then leave him alone. Try feeding them before you put your new tang in. I have had some luck with that although the PBT is really the bully.


Advanced Reefer
San Juan, PR
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it seems that the ones that have more success are the ones that have several tangs. i think adding one tang to a tank that has one tang is a bad idea.

cb747 and efisher: did you guys put several in @ once or did you start w/ one?

it also it depends which tangs you add and in what order


No Coral Here
Montclair, NJ
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I have a Yellow, Scopas and a Sohal. I added a Purple Tang and to my surprise the Sohal left him alone but the Scopas tang beat him to near death. As Jon mentioned earlier, I ended up regretting moving the purple to the QT. He died.


I think it is better to add them at the same time. That may work but there is no gurantee for the long run.


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when I had my 60 gallon I put in the yellow first, then the hippo. When I moved into my house with my 210. I took those 2 first and then the PBT, followed by the 2 purple, then the naso a few weeks later and finally yhe sailfin. I am going to add a sohol and chevron and I think I am doen with tangs for now. The tang police would lock me up if they saw this. My buddy has about 15 tangs in his tank and as long as they make it 24 hours they are usually ok.


Advanced Reefer
San Juan, PR
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i see what you did fisher. you added different looking tangs @ first then you added a distraction by getting a bigger tank and one more tang.

by the time you added similar looking tangs, you had enough space and enough of them to keep the aggression down.


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the power blue still goes after anything i put in there with the exception of the rhino. no one messed with him. I just hope for the best when adding new tangs. I usually try and get them locally from Don. All of his fish I have ever gotten from him have survived the beating.


Advanced Reefer
San Juan, PR
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the goldrim looks better this morning but i'm still puzzled as to what could have happened to him overnight to make him look as bad as he did. he didn't eat yesterday. i'm hoping he will munch on something today

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