well i left the house for a couple of hours and the two spot was riped up again. i think i have two options:
1- sell the goldrim and keep the two spot
2- get a third, larger tang so the goldrim knows who's boss and introduce the two spot and the other tang @ the same time. (highly unlikely as i don't want three tangs, not even two in a 120g)
Sorry to hear that, but thats the problem with the tangs. No matter what you do it is always a luck of the draw. Beautiful fish, but a pain in the a.
pt is purple tang. I have two of them. My own which I rescued from petworks, and my girlfriend's which she left me.
The aquascaping doesn't really work either, I've done that with both my african cichlids as well as with my fowlr. If you go with option 1, keep me in mind. And by the way if you ever want to get rid of the green leather let me know.:sgrin: