- Location
- Franklin Square, NY
Well my 15 year old + Powder Blue tang passed away during the night. I got it back in the late 90's as a LFS rescue and took about six months to get it looking fat and healthy. If it wasn't such a beautiful fish I probably would have gotten rid of it years ago because it was such a PITA with any new fish. I would have to capture it and then re-introduce it a week later so it was the newbie and even then I still couldn't keep another tang because in a few days it would attack it anyway. It never grew bigger than 6" so I'm assuming it was a male because males stay smaller than females. I recently took it out with the additions of my Angels and butterfly and was doing great in my fuge feasting on macros all day. I re- introduced it yesterday and it looked fine, but staying in the rocks which was normal the first few days back. I guess the stress was to much for the old man and passed away during the night. The good news is I can keep any tang now...