These are just a few of my thoughts on the AI as far as what I think needs improvement. First thing are the actual AI rails and the screw on top of the AI unit itself. I don't like that you can't tighten that screw up really and the lights are easily moved if someone just touches them. The timers as well, I know there are 14 or 15 timers on there, but you need 2 of them to turn the lights off and on, Each timer should be able to have an off and on feature. As of know I have 5 timers running to run my lighting cycle. The biggest gripe though is not having an actual manual. You need to go online to figure out the controller. My comp isn't close to the tank and I would like to be able to sit down with controller in hand and a manual, to figure out each feature. It's annoying to go back and forth from room to room just to figure out the controller. Yes the basics are easy but the more advanced stuff needs some more time to learn and the constant back and forth makes it very annoying. And also I keep sitting the Thunderstorms to off, but I get a random one everyday. Other than that I do like the lights and the nice shimmer as well.