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These are just a few of my thoughts on the AI as far as what I think needs improvement. First thing are the actual AI rails and the screw on top of the AI unit itself. I don't like that you can't tighten that screw up really and the lights are easily moved if someone just touches them. The timers as well, I know there are 14 or 15 timers on there, but you need 2 of them to turn the lights off and on, Each timer should be able to have an off and on feature. As of know I have 5 timers running to run my lighting cycle. The biggest gripe though is not having an actual manual. You need to go online to figure out the controller. My comp isn't close to the tank and I would like to be able to sit down with controller in hand and a manual, to figure out each feature. It's annoying to go back and forth from room to room just to figure out the controller. Yes the basics are easy but the more advanced stuff needs some more time to learn and the constant back and forth makes it very annoying. And also I keep sitting the Thunderstorms to off, but I get a random one everyday. Other than that I do like the lights and the nice shimmer as well.


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I think they need to make a Sol Blue/Sol White, combine the pucks from both. I feel that the Sol white was too white/yellow but yet the Sol Blue is a bit too much on the blue side. I completely agree about the manual and the rails. $530 and all you get is a piece of cardboard? WTF?


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There should be an access point in the rails so you can reach that screw in the unit so you can tighten it. I think the color combo could be a little better as well, but I can't comment 100% on that as I have not really adjusted anything over 30% yet.


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I do not like the rails at all. As was stated before the endcaps are plastic and flimsy and the rails actually twist. The other design flaw is that you cannot take one unit out of the rail system without taking the ones before it completely out. A big pain in the a-- if you have 5 on a 6 foot rail !!!!!! There should be a way to adjust the bolt from the top to tighten or loosen as needed, in addition to taking a module completely out.
As far as the units go I like the units even though I had one power supply go bad in one unit and a board failure in another. Bolth times A.I got back the same day with solutions to my dilema. Great customer service. As far as the controller instructions goe they should include one with the controller but it is easily printed out online.
Another nice feature would be for the conroller to be able to adjust individual units seperately. Lets say 3/4 of your tank needs High light demands and the other 1/4 has low to moderate light demand; at the moment you cannot individually controll a module(without purchasin another controller). Right now it is a daisy chain configuration....1 to 2 to 3 and so on. This would be very helpfull i feel to many.
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MR's Greatest Member
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I do not like the rails at all. As was stated before the endcaps are plastic and flimsy and the rails actually twist. The other design flaw is that you cannot take one unit out of the rail system without taking the ones before it completely out. A big pain in the a-- if you have 5 on a 6 foot rail !!!!!! There should be a way to adjust the bolt from the top to tighten or loosen as needed, in addition to taking a module completely out.
As far as the units go I like the units even though I had one power supply go bad in one unit and a board failure in another. Bolth times A.I got back the same day with solutions to my dilema. Great customer service. As far as the controller instructions goe they should include one with the controller but it is easily printed out online.
Another nice feature would be for the conroller to be able to adjust individual units seperately. Lets say 3/4 of your tank needs High light demands and the other 1/4 has low to moderate light demand; at the moment you cannot individually controll a module(without purchasin another controller). Right now it is a daisy chain configuration....1 to 2 to 3 and so on. This would be very helpfull i feel to many.
Those are more valid points I didn't even consider, I'm only running 2 so I can slide either one out if need be, but later this year I will be running at least 6.


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Hi can you mount the modules either long or short ways using this rail system?
I don't see how you would hang the unit with one rail. They are designed to be used with 2 rails. For one the hanging kit is desgined to use the weight of both rails with units to keep it even. I would advise against one rail for one unit, it would most likey hang uneven and maybe even flip. Also AI sells the rails in pairs any ways, all you would have to do is just turn the rails and mounting points on the ceiling and you will be fine.


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Those are more valid points I didn't even consider, I'm only running 2 so I can slide either one out if need be, but later this year I will be running at least 6.

Trust me it stinks.....I had to take out bolth rail systems to remove one module....trust me its not fun moving 8 modules around. And the controllability I already spoke to A/I about and you never know what might be released in the near future....:splitspin


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I don't see how you would hang the unit with one rail. They are designed to be used with 2 rails. For one the hanging kit is desgined to use the weight of both rails with units to keep it even. I would advise against one rail for one unit, it would most likey hang uneven and maybe even flip. Also AI sells the rails in pairs any ways, all you would have to do is just turn the rails and mounting points on the ceiling and you will be fine.

Jaa you can use one rail and mount them the same direction as the rail. I am actually trying it on another system I have. It works well especially if you need to cover more length than width.


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It just doesn't seem like it would be all that stable, I'm thinking of getting a 300DD later this year and with the extra width I think I might need more than 5 or 6.


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Jaa reach out to me I am in the process of setting up a new tank and this one has the same footprint of the 300 just taller. I will be trying to use 2 single rails with 3 modules on each rail for a total of 6 units covering a 72" x 36"w area.


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New Jersey
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This is how mine are hung. Have not encountered one problem hanging the units this way.

I am not crazy about the flimsy plastic ends either but mounting this way I dont need them anyway.


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Staten Island ny
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I got mine on a custom made corner arm on my 54 corner bow I think they are easy to mount and as far as the controller goes, it's not rocket science and the firmware updates don't require power , the mini USB does it all for u and it only takes 4 seconds to swap and install the new firmware I actually had a nutless monkey show me how to use mine cause a moron wasn't available !!! These lights rock and for all who don't know this A.I. Is in fact c2 development and they are a full staff of 8 people so considering that I think they are doing a he'll of a job , much better than a lot of other l.e.d. Companies who work out of little basement like warehouses.

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