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I agree they have great customer service, as far as the updates, What have the new ones done over the older ones? Mine is updated with the latest but I have no clue what is different as I didn't have these 6 months ago or even longer as others have. And the controller is easy, just a pain with all the timers and different things on it. Still getting random thunderstorms even though they are set to OFF.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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personally i wouldnt hang the in line with the rail as that partially blocked the fan, it's a pretty easy solution with gettng a 1" steel piece from HD and cutting it to the width of the rails and drilling a hole in the middle to mount it from, plus if ya bought a long enough piece you could do this on the ends as well to make it a little more rigid and yes on a marineland 300dd u would need 6 units, personally even thought the cost is significantly more for a larger tank the savings would come alot faster, you would be around $3200 in 6 units, but if you figure and i will use my friends tank he is running 3 250w mh's and 4 vho's whichs works out to little over 300 just in bulbs and the electric savings and heat issue's would add up quicker then people thing


Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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Hey jaa I had a controller go rogue on me also man just call Justin and he will send you a new one , the controllers current firmware is just to fix a few bugs in the programming but they are always improving there gear it will all be ironed out soon enough and the timers are a bit tricky but if u need help with turning them off let me know I think I have them figured out I use every timer and I have full control of each white blue and royal.


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Hey jaa I had a controller go rogue on me also man just call Justin and he will send you a new one , the controllers current firmware is just to fix a few bugs in the programming but they are always improving there gear it will all be ironed out soon enough and the timers are a bit tricky but if u need help with turning them off let me know I think I have them figured out I use every timer and I have full control of each white blue and royal.

I just got my controller back this week. It started flashing and wouldn't do anything. I also had to send one unit out that the motherboard cracked on. The controller is more annoying than tricky to me. Thanks for the offer

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