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Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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Hey frank, what's the head space like, dimensions. I wanted to get the one by aquarium specialty but I was worried about headroom.
Maybe I can swing by and give it a once over.

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MR's Greatest Member
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I don't know, if a do-it-yourself could be built for $40.00, wouldn't it be worth doing? I mean it's not like a pizza or furniture where you will be eating one or taking weeks to build something like an entertainment system or whatever. I mean after all a lot of furniture is not just go and buy it and it is delivered fully built. So if a do-it-yourself took 30 minutes to build it sounds like a nice find to me. I mean how long does it take to install the 1250 or 135 dollar one? Or just don't be lazy in the first place and clean your own skimmer.HAHAHA


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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agreed if i wanted something like this id just buy for the price, me making something is time and i figure i am worth x amount of $ an hr :) why when i looked at led's the maxspect was so worth it, plus having a warranty helps


MR's Greatest Member
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It just sounds like overkill, I mean who cleans your house? Mows your yard and cooks dinner? Do you have some automated machine to do that? Just don't be lazy and do it yourself. Oh and just if you guys are interested in a really cheap and inexpesive way to clean them, without removing the skimmer from the sump. Buy a plastic razor, Like the old style ones, the ones that fold in half. Instead of putting a razor in there you can put your piece of cloth or whatever you like to use in it. Since it folds in half you can have the piece with the cloth down in the neck and still have a handle that folds over the lip so you have clearance under the stand. I will upload a pic of what I'm talking about once I get my camera back.


Fish and Coral Killer
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Or just don't be lazy in the first place and clean your own skimmer.HAHAHA

I think you are confused..:duh: This thing cleans the neck of the skimmer, maybe once, twice, maybe 5 times a day, really depending on how you set up the motor's timer. Gunk\poop build up on the skimmer's neck hinders the skimmer's performance, clean neck = better performance. I don't think you clean your skimmer once a day, let along 5 times a day... With this unit, you still need to "clean" your skimmer when the collection cup is full, the crap needs go somewhere :shhh:.

It's a great price point for something like this. I don't think a average "diy'er" can make one in a day with a garage full of tools, unless you happen to have a two axis CNC machine in your garage. I do a lot of DIY projects and invested enough in tools to buy a nice car, I won't even bother with trying and instead of spending $135 or $150.. I will be ordering two for the two BK skimmers I have this week.

I believe the Deltec units (original\factory design) comes with a built-in timer and a flushing concept to make the removal of the collection cup to a minimum. The Aqua Driver\Bubble king version have a self powered spray down added to the wiper. Both are more advance than this one, I still won't pay the insane amount for them...

You may be able to make one for less than $150 in material, but I am pretty sure it will look nothing like a CNC cut and designed with craftsmanship of someone that had made a few hundred of these.


Advanced Reefer
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Qoute from jaa1456:
It just sounds like overkill, I mean who cleans your house? Mows your yard and cooks dinner? Do you have some automated machine to do that? Just don't be lazy and do it yourself

First off, if you read the title of the first post...this is a "toy" not a must have item. I am sure you have some sort of automation on your tank, a controller of some sort, even the timer for your lights is automation. with that logic you can say just turn on your lights yourself and not be lazy and have it on a timer?

$150 on a item in this hobby is not a crazy amount of money to spend.....$100-$200 an eye for those chalices is in my eyes.
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Senior Member
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It just sounds like overkill, I mean who cleans your house? Mows your yard and cooks dinner? Do you have some automated machine to do that? Just don't be lazy and do it yourself.

There is a big difference between lazy and realizing your time is better spend doing other things.

I have a person that cleans my apt every 2 weeks, and that gives me and the wife that much more time to ourselves and doing other important things. My tank is also as automated as i could make it, allowing me to spend the time looking at the fish and coral rather than dosing and doing the regular daily maintenance. For the price, quality and what it adds to your tank as well as takes away from your maintenance schedual its extremely worth it for the 130$.

And both nyreefnoob and Cali are right, DIY isn't worth it most of the time. The only time i DIY is when i need something off spec that i can't find elsewhere or i can do it way better for the same price, materials + my time put into it. Its just not worth your time building one of these for 50$ when you can get it at 130-150$. And if you take your 5-10 mins every day doing it with the razor and cloth and add it up over the course of a month im sure you will go over the 130$ price.
Although I agree that DIY is a great solution to spending less, for certain things it is best to buy from a store. For example I don't think it's worth it to make your own LED fixture, some people may believe otherwise, but once you buy something from someone else it is they're responsibility in most cases for that product to function properly. For the price of certain DIY projects it's best to buy something because if anything goes wrong with the DIY then you have to spend even more to do it over again or buy it from the store because you will have wasted money on the DIY. That's just my opinion.

But that looks like a great item, would be awesome for my ASM G-4+, it builds up so much sludge in the neck within week

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