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If you have the money or room in credit card and dont mind than I guess having a $1200 cone skimmer for a standard home reef tank (100-300) makes you happy then be happy.

However, the new design of cone skimmers is basic and the same across manufacturers, difference is the pump.

I have researched and have found that a $300 brand name cone skimmer can be just as efficient as a $700 cone skimmer, why? because despite thickness of acrylic, killer style and the pump being a different brand the pump rating is the same or close to the same.

If you purchase a $1000.00 cone skimmer rated for a tank of 200 to 300 gallons and the pump in that skimmer is rated at say 900gph how is that more efficient than two cone skimmers with pumps rated at 700gph? Its not.

As for space in sump, if you have space to fit 1 super expensive cone skimmer than you have space to fit 2 moderately sized skimmers.

I say this because I currently have an Eshopps Econ Cone S220 and a SC Aquariums 180 cone skimmer running together, both fit in the sump that was designed to solely house the SC-180.

Only reason why I have 2 skimmers is bc I picked up the S220 for $100 bucks, one skimmer was enough for my size tank but we hobbyists get bored with what we have so I bought it.

Conclusion, new space saving design is the cone design with pump inside the body, regardless of how heavy, how thick or how mean looking the acrylic body is, acrylic is acrylic in no way does it help in efficiency, durability yes but not efficiency, it is not going to skim out more bc of heavy acrylic, its the pump.

So if a person can fit two cone skimmers in the sump, that person will end up skimming more water than the person that bought the super expensive skimmer for $1000.00.

Just a thought for people that can't blow $800 on a skimmer, its not always the brand or look of the skimmer, its the pump GPH, yes some pumps are silent while others are not but unless you sleep next to your tank who cares. BTW both my skimmers are silent.

Cost of my skimmers retail:

Eshopps S220 about $350 if you know how to shop
SCA 180 $135.00 shipped and it performs just as good as skimmers I know retail for $350-$500

If a person where to buy 2 SCA180 skimmers they would be skimming over 1200 gallons per hour for an equipment price of $270.00.

Next time you are looking to buy a skimmer compare your purchase price against actual gallons per hour being skimmed not by acrylic thickness.


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Actually the major price difference usually comes in the actual build quality, as far as fit and finish. And the thickness of the acrylic does make a pretty big difference.

But yes you can definately save some coin and get a skimmer that will make you happy usually.


55 gal salt water
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I had an SWC 180 cone skimmer. I loved the skimmer it worked great. I had a Chance to buy and vertex alpha 170 with RD pump, so I did. I love this skimmer also. Do I see a big difference in skim? I do plus I save with power and I dont have to jump start my skimmer pump when I decide to the the skimmer off if I am cleaning it. So you get what you pay for. The RD pump has Titanium screws that is BIG when it comes to this hobby. Again the swc is a great skimmer you just will need to put more work into it when its time to clean it.


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I agree with you to a degree. If growing SPS than lighting should be of reliable quality, your main return pump should be of reliable quality, your heater should be or reliable quality.

The skimmers I am referring to cost $135.00 shipped and perform just as well as the BM skimmers, eshopps and any other similarly sized skimmer for a fraction of the price.

Worried about the pumps, upgrade them to Sicce or Atman and you still save money.

I believe in YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.. when it comes to equipment I feel like if you try to save money you end up buying it twice..just my 2 cents..


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Not to mention the knockoffs out there, must be nice saving on R&D. If these "overpriced" skimmers manufacturers went out of business, where would knockoffs get their ideas from? :scratchch

+1 Vertex AC170, Eddie. Love mine.


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I politely disagree.

Thickness of acrylic provides durability not performance, meaning harder to crack/brake.

Style/design is basic for cone skimmers, to make a mark in the market place some are dressing up to look heavy duty or mean which does not improve functionality.

Actually the major price difference usually comes in the actual build quality, as far as fit and finish. And the thickness of the acrylic does make a pretty big difference.

But yes you can definately save some coin and get a skimmer that will make you happy usually.


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Not my fault nor yours that knock of companies come after others spend money on R&D, nature of the beast and not the point of this thread.

Just pointing out the obvious for those of us that are not fortunate or blind enough to be able to charge up endless amounts of money to support our hobby.

Not to mention the knockoffs out there, must be nice saving on R&D. If these "overpriced" skimmers manufacturers went out of business, where would knockoffs get their ideas from? :scratchch

+1 Vertex AC170, Eddie. Love mine.
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Advanced Reefer
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I agree with you to a degree. If growing SPS than lighting should be of reliable quality, your main return pump should be of reliable quality, your heater should be or reliable quality.

The skimmers I am referring to cost $135.00 shipped and perform just as well as the BM skimmers, eshopps and any other similarly sized skimmer for a fraction of the price.

Worried about the pumps, upgrade them to Sicce or Atman and you still save money.

Have you owned any them to compare?

If not, you shouldnt really say that the cheap ones will perform as good as the higher priced ones.

People that are brand new will read it and buy an inferior product instead of spending more once, they'll spend 1/2 as much lets say 5 or 6 times througout their time in the tank which will end up costing them more in the end than it would have to have just purchased a better skimmer.

And I have owned a cheaper one as well as a more expensive one. I had on my first tank used an Aqua-Medic Turboflotor 1000- I thought it was ok, then I got a Bermuda Aquatics 3C- that's when i realzed how cheaply made the Aqua Medic was. And the Bermuda skimmed WAY better.

So saving money at first doesnt always prove to be the most economical after time.

The cheaper ones also are sometimes not as easy to adjust to get and keep running right, another factor in pricing and what is worth the money.


Advanced Reefer
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jump start a pump, never had to do that.

Those Alphas do look mean and cool.

I def do enjoy the internal pump location in cone skimmers, makes cleaning and putting back in sump a breeze.

Again, you are one of the fortunate that had the means and opp to by an Alpha, the pump is superb the rest of that skimmer is same concept with its unique touches to differentiate it in a crowded market place.

For some of us, charging up $900 for a skimmer that technically moves 900 gallons of water is steep.

I had an SWC 180 cone skimmer. I loved the skimmer it worked great. I had a Chance to buy and vertex alpha 170 with RD pump, so I did. I love this skimmer also. Do I see a big difference in skim? I do plus I save with power and I dont have to jump start my skimmer pump when I decide to the the skimmer off if I am cleaning it. So you get what you pay for. The RD pump has Titanium screws that is BIG when it comes to this hobby. Again the swc is a great skimmer you just will need to put more work into it when its time to clean it.


Advanced Reefer
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Like my op stated, i am running an Eshoops S200 and a SCA 180.

Do you feel that an Eshopps S200 with Sicce pump is a knock off? It retails for as much as $500.00 if you are not a careful shopper.

I agree, the SCA 180 is a knock off design and I dont care, I did not copy the design, I was only lucky enough to find the store that sells it. The pump moves something like 700 gph and has a venturi made just like all of the others, pump has not failed and came with a pin wheel impeller just like the others.

The Eshopps S200 by technicality is more efficient than the SCA 180 due to the fact that the Sicce pump is larger as is the skimmer body itself therefore the pump moves more water hence producing skimmate at a slighty faster pace and therefore doing the job a bit faster.

This thread can go on for ever due to personal opinions varying so much and being affected by loyalist behavior such as vendor affiliation, brand loyalty, etc, etc, etc.

If you have a standard home aquarium, nothing insane like a 500 gallon SPS reef and outragious stuff like that then I know I am right.

Thickness of acrylic does not make a cone skimmer more efficient, it makes it more durable period, its the pump that counts.

The knockoffs may not come with a brand name $200 pump but do come with pin wheel impellers and venturi like any others, if pump brand is a concern Siccee makes some good pumps that you can buy for about $100 each.

This can go on forever and thus defeating the purpose of me writing all this.

If anyone prefers to buy a $1000.00 skimmer for a standard home reef tank knock yourself out doing so.

This thread is for those that do not want to spend the next year making credit card payments to pay off a skimmer, pay attention to the pump specs and if pump brand is a concern also consider simply buying a brand name skimmer pump like Siccee or others and be done with it.

The end...

Have you owned any them to compare?

If not, you shouldnt really say that the cheap ones will perform as good as the higher priced ones.

People that are brand new will read it and buy an inferior product instead of spending more once, they'll spend 1/2 as much lets say 5 or 6 times througout their time in the tank which will end up costing them more in the end than it would have to have just purchased a better skimmer.

And I have owned a cheaper one as well as a more expensive one. I had on my first tank used an Aqua-Medic Turboflotor 1000- I thought it was ok, then I got a Bermuda Aquatics 3C- that's when i realzed how cheaply made the Aqua Medic was. And the Bermuda skimmed WAY better.

So saving money at first doesnt always prove to be the most economical after time.

The cheaper ones also are sometimes not as easy to adjust to get and keep running right, another factor in pricing and what is worth the money.


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Not my fault nor yours that knock of companies come after others spend money on R&D, nature of the beast and not the point of this thread.

Just pointing out the obvious for those of us that are not fortunate or blind enough to be able to charge up endless amounts of money to support our hobby.

It sure is the point. Affordability was pointed out several times in this thread by you, not me. R&D places expenditures that these knockoff company are not "burdened" by. At the end, either if it is savings or funding these expenditures, its past down to the consumer. Does the end justify the means? YMMV.


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Oh boy. And chinese LEDs are just as good as the named companies, and knockoff eheim pumps are just as good as eheim and koralias are just as good as vortechs etc etc you can keep saying it but it wont be true and adding 2 skimmers is not as good as 1 amazing skimmer. Plus your drawing more power,more equipment that needs to be cleaned and less room in your sump. Im glad you like your 2 cheaper skimmers,you prefer it that great but what your saying isnt true and plus those sicce pumps have alot of bad reviews and the newer pumps on the expensive skimmers have been designed specifically for skimmer usage. if you are comparing your sicce to a RD pump or even a bubble blaster pump the truth is there is no comparison. Enjoy your skimmer you like them great but most people i know with the vertex and the reef octopus know those skimmers you mention are not the same in any way


MR's Greatest Member
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The pumps are the main difference in most skimmers as far as performance. But there is also a difference in the skimmers themselves besides acrylic thickness. The water to air ratio in many higher priced skimmers are built to maximize the skimmers performance. Cheaper ones might have to much air or water even with adjustments. The acrylic in the higher priced stuff seems to be smoother compared to cheaper stuff. Not to mention other components of the skimmers. Just because they look alike doesn't mean they perform alike.


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Just being obvious, but if the cheap 100$ skimmer performed/held up just as good as the 1000$ skimmer then the 1000$ skimmer wouldn't have any sales because everyone would buy that 100$ knockoff right? :idea: Obviously there is a difference between the two, and maybe it might not be worth the 900$ difference but there is still a difference. People that see and realize choosing the skimmer they want based on what they need. If they want to spend 800$ on a skimmer that performs as well as a 200-300$ skimmer then are more than welcome to.

Build quality matters, maybe not to everyone but long term equipment fails and needs to be replaced. Things break, wear out, ect. Those expensive skimmers will last you years while those 100$ knockoffs tend to break within the year. There are mid level skimmers that do perform and last and those are the most popular, not the expensive or cheap ones. The info is already all over the forums and people that do buy skimmers know full well what skimmers work and are worth the money. Your treating the thread like everyones stupid and just buys the expensive skimmers unnecessarily. And all you guys arguing over skimmers in this thread should look at this thread differently, you all look like your being trolled right now into a another skimmer argument. People aren't that stupid and if they are then let them.
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Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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d5332 you need to do a little more research, as someone who has had around 30 skimmers now, it is alot more then just pump ect, there are many factors that come into play, i had i think 7 different skimmers on my last tank, and all performed different, couple had the same pump, ive got a skimmer thread some where on here, i do agree you dont need a 1000 bk skimmer, had one of those also, atb. several vertex, alpha, asm's, bubble magnus, euro reefs, and the list continue's as well as helping in changes with a certain companies skimmer as i was a beta tester for them, and alot of the price = rd, as well as cost of the pump... check out the skimmer thread also on reef central or feel free to ask mojo on there some questions, and two skimmers even if the exact same skimmer both sitting in a sump both wont pull the same amount,
and randy i am impartial to that write up, there's factors that werent taken into consideration and other parts of that test that cause the differance also


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Staten Island
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D5 sorry but every stupid post you put up just screams NOOB. How long have you been in this hobby because you really act like a know it all. Every post is about cheap things or trying to get something for cheap, the word cheap is always included and when you go cheap you might as well not go at all. Like many people have said when you buy junk equipment you end up buying a few times to get it right. Ever heard the phrase "do it right the first time" ? This is an expensive hobby and "you get what you pay for" is one of those phrase that constantly applies. Sure you can get a skimmer for 100 bucks but odds are it's CRAP. Sure you can get your $5 "hobbiest priced" frags you been crying about but they are gong to be kenya trees and brown palys not rainbow acans and chalices. If doing everything cheap is your main concern you might be in the wrong hobby perhaps you should take up pebble collecting.

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