If you have the money or room in credit card and dont mind than I guess having a $1200 cone skimmer for a standard home reef tank (100-300) makes you happy then be happy.
However, the new design of cone skimmers is basic and the same across manufacturers, difference is the pump.
I have researched and have found that a $300 brand name cone skimmer can be just as efficient as a $700 cone skimmer, why? because despite thickness of acrylic, killer style and the pump being a different brand the pump rating is the same or close to the same.
If you purchase a $1000.00 cone skimmer rated for a tank of 200 to 300 gallons and the pump in that skimmer is rated at say 900gph how is that more efficient than two cone skimmers with pumps rated at 700gph? Its not.
As for space in sump, if you have space to fit 1 super expensive cone skimmer than you have space to fit 2 moderately sized skimmers.
I say this because I currently have an Eshopps Econ Cone S220 and a SC Aquariums 180 cone skimmer running together, both fit in the sump that was designed to solely house the SC-180.
Only reason why I have 2 skimmers is bc I picked up the S220 for $100 bucks, one skimmer was enough for my size tank but we hobbyists get bored with what we have so I bought it.
Conclusion, new space saving design is the cone design with pump inside the body, regardless of how heavy, how thick or how mean looking the acrylic body is, acrylic is acrylic in no way does it help in efficiency, durability yes but not efficiency, it is not going to skim out more bc of heavy acrylic, its the pump.
So if a person can fit two cone skimmers in the sump, that person will end up skimming more water than the person that bought the super expensive skimmer for $1000.00.
Just a thought for people that can't blow $800 on a skimmer, its not always the brand or look of the skimmer, its the pump GPH, yes some pumps are silent while others are not but unless you sleep next to your tank who cares. BTW both my skimmers are silent.
Cost of my skimmers retail:
Eshopps S220 about $350 if you know how to shop
SCA 180 $135.00 shipped and it performs just as good as skimmers I know retail for $350-$500
If a person where to buy 2 SCA180 skimmers they would be skimming over 1200 gallons per hour for an equipment price of $270.00.
Next time you are looking to buy a skimmer compare your purchase price against actual gallons per hour being skimmed not by acrylic thickness.
However, the new design of cone skimmers is basic and the same across manufacturers, difference is the pump.
I have researched and have found that a $300 brand name cone skimmer can be just as efficient as a $700 cone skimmer, why? because despite thickness of acrylic, killer style and the pump being a different brand the pump rating is the same or close to the same.
If you purchase a $1000.00 cone skimmer rated for a tank of 200 to 300 gallons and the pump in that skimmer is rated at say 900gph how is that more efficient than two cone skimmers with pumps rated at 700gph? Its not.
As for space in sump, if you have space to fit 1 super expensive cone skimmer than you have space to fit 2 moderately sized skimmers.
I say this because I currently have an Eshopps Econ Cone S220 and a SC Aquariums 180 cone skimmer running together, both fit in the sump that was designed to solely house the SC-180.
Only reason why I have 2 skimmers is bc I picked up the S220 for $100 bucks, one skimmer was enough for my size tank but we hobbyists get bored with what we have so I bought it.
Conclusion, new space saving design is the cone design with pump inside the body, regardless of how heavy, how thick or how mean looking the acrylic body is, acrylic is acrylic in no way does it help in efficiency, durability yes but not efficiency, it is not going to skim out more bc of heavy acrylic, its the pump.
So if a person can fit two cone skimmers in the sump, that person will end up skimming more water than the person that bought the super expensive skimmer for $1000.00.
Just a thought for people that can't blow $800 on a skimmer, its not always the brand or look of the skimmer, its the pump GPH, yes some pumps are silent while others are not but unless you sleep next to your tank who cares. BTW both my skimmers are silent.
Cost of my skimmers retail:
Eshopps S220 about $350 if you know how to shop
SCA 180 $135.00 shipped and it performs just as good as skimmers I know retail for $350-$500
If a person where to buy 2 SCA180 skimmers they would be skimming over 1200 gallons per hour for an equipment price of $270.00.
Next time you are looking to buy a skimmer compare your purchase price against actual gallons per hour being skimmed not by acrylic thickness.